This page contains all graduate theses and dissertations and all undergraduate theses published at Coastal Carolina University. To see theses and dissertations from the College of Graduate Studies and Research click here. To see theses from the Honors College and Center for Interdisciplinary Studies click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Alzheimer's Disease: A Comprehensive Review Including Personal Experience from Retirement Home Patients, Sydney Fox
Microplastic Fiber Abundance for South Carolina White Shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, Across Two Habitats, Adriene Funck
Examining the Impacts of Flooding on Public Health, Lauren Gibson
Why do Shadows Change Throughout the Day?, Caitlin M. Hallam
Teacher Work Sample: Telling Time, Courtney R. Hallam
Next-generation sequencing shows increasing temperatures affect stream fungal communities, Regan Hodgson
Striped blenny (Chasmodes bosquianus) behavior and shelter use in a southeastern salt marsh tidal creek, Brooklyn Johnson and Juliana Harding
Regime Transitions, Democracy, and Terrorism in the Muslim World, Kevin Joyce
Fine-scale site selection of strand-feeding common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and their prey, Deborah Kleinclaus
Loggerhead shrike detectability and occurrence in coastal South Carolina urban areas, Michelle Krauser
Aerodynamics and Turbulent Wake-Flow Characteristics of Owls during Flapping Flight, Krishnamoorthy Krishnan
Winter use of Winyah Bay, SC by the Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias), and their movements south of Cape Hatteras, NC, Meredith L. Langford
Teacher and School Leader Perspectives on Factors that Impact Relationships and Recidivism Among Black or African American Girls: A Mixed Methods Study, Amber Jan LaSalle
American Political Polarization, Kristin Leonard
Silting dynamics and metal contaminants in the Georgetown Inner Harbor, Ezekiel Wil Meyers
Feminism and Women's Representation in Argentina, Devyn Murphy
Sustainability in Minor League Sports, Sara Nimmo
Contraceptive Knowledge of Female College Students, Lina Perugini
Detecting Potentially Neurotoxic Pseudo-nitzschia Species in the Grand Strand Area, Chesney Price
Man in the Arena: The Evolution of the Executive Office, Jack Sandone
Organizational Effectiveness of Rabies Division of South Carolina DHEC, Camden Daniel Sasfai
Extraction, Analysis, and Comparison of Microplastics in SC Marsh Substrates, Austin G. Sige
Microplastic Accumulation in the Digestive Tract of Young-Of-Year Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) in the Grand Strand, SC, Andrew Curtis Sitlinger
Video Modeling vs. Video Prompting with Task Analysis: Which one do students with ID respond better to?, Patricia Still
The Relationship Between Alexithymia, Callous Affect, Aggression, and Emerging Adulthood, Grace Sutz
Abundance and growth of juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon in the Edisto River, SC, Molly Katherine Takacs
Arctic Sea Ice Loss in the Pacific Sector and Its Impacts on Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events, Jiarong Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Effect of Aerobic Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction on Substrate Utilization and Energy Expenditure, Nathen Andrews
The Relationship between Classroom Distractions and Off-Task Students, Michelle L. Andrus, Ashton K. Harrison, and Kathryn E. Wojnar
Discovering the Formation of Sound, Michelle L. Andrus and Catherine Scott
Warming stimulates sporulation rates and alters community structure of litter-associated fungi in streamside channel experiment, Kaitlin D. Beasley-Polko
EZ-Translate, Mason D. Beattie
Analysis of Business Capstone Consulting Report: Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc, Allison C. Beirne
Assessing Sustainability at CCU, Savannah Billings
The Influence of Bottom Type and Water Column Stratification on Reef Fish Community Structure at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Bridget Campbell
Seasonal Habitat Use of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in North Inlet, Winyah Bay, Georgetown, South Carolina, Danielle Elizabeth Capella
An EEMD Approach to Non-Stationary, Non-Linear Environmental Long- and Short-term Time Series Data of Charleston, SC, with a 2009 Flood Anomaly Case Study, Dylan David Carpenter
The Intersection of Art History and Graphic Design, Caitlin Anessa Childers
Organic matter spatial and temporal patterns in coastal sands of Long Bay, South Carolina, Kayla B. Christofferson
The Transfer of Motor Skill Practice to the Game: A Review of Transfer of Learning Theory and Applications, Silver Dawson
Iron Geochemistry Across an Estuary-to-Coastal Gradient, Lissett G. Diaz
The Emergence of Esports through the Last Five Years, Jordan Donald
Acute Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Unilateral versus Bilateral Walking with Blood Flow Restriction, Sage Donaldson
The influence of the Gut Microbiota and Alzheimer’s Disease, Mackenzie E. Gibbs
Using Creative Writing and Literacy to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline, Tyler N. Gross
Development of a habitat model for an endemic leuciscid, the Sandhills Chub (Semotilus lumbee), Garrett Mitchell Herigan
Shark Diversity and Relative Abundance at Myrtle Beach, SC Fishing Piers, Lynsey E. Isner
Women’s Collegiate Lacrosse Team Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Muscular Strength, Kaylee Kaczvinsky
Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica seasonal growth patterns revealed by sclerochronology, James Klein and Juliana Harding
How Power Creates Alteration Among Communication for Members Within a Greek Letter Sorority, Kelsey M. Kopec
Acute Effects of Static Stretching/Foam Rolling on Muscle and Tendon Stiffness, Michaela Lawlor
Dijkstra’s Pathfinder, Taylor F. Malamut
Clothing: The Gateway to Trucks or Tiaras, Riley McCormick
College Football Recruiting and the Correlation to Success, Bryce McLaughlin
Cultivation Effects from Television Crime Dramas to Forensic Practices, Stephanie P. Mobley
Honors Project, Zachary M. Murray
Montessori Education: Teaching Self-Regulation through Virtual Instruction, Brooke M. Myers and Catherine Scott
Using Predator Vocalizations to Deter Raccoon Predation on Nests of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin), Colleen Elizabeth Naeger
Isolated Point Discharges into Coastal Swashes as Nutrient Sources to Coastal Waters, Mary E. Olsen
The comparison between Social Media Marketing Strategies in the United Kingdom and United States Professional Soccer teams, Lerol Parchment
The Role of Social Support During Injury Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Return to Play, Lindsey N. Rehmer
Eastward-Propagating Planetary Waves in the Middle Atmosphere During Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events, Christian Todd Rhodes
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) for Two Caudal Fin Morphologies, Matthew C. Rodriguez
Buddhist Environmentalism: How Buddhist Values and Practices offer Hope for Escaping the Climate Crisis, Alexa Rae Rohrkasse
How Music Therapy Affects the Development of Children with Autism, Bailey C. Sweet
The Correlation Between Student Self-Advocacy and Postsecondary Success, Kaleigh Tarabek
Ecology of estuarine birds: Differences in desensitization of year-round and transient species, Sarah Thomas
Public Opinion and Knowledge of Marine Biodiversity in a Coastal Community - Horry County, South Carolina, Arianna R. Trapp
The Puerto Rican Diaspora: Evaluating Constructions of Race and Ethnicity, Megan E. Walter
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Effects of warming on decomposition of submerged plant litter and associated microorganisms in streamside channels, Kaity Ackerman
Test Using Sedimentary Records to Quantify Extreme Paleo-flood: A Case Study of an Oxbow Lake in South Carolina, Molly Aeschliman
Temporal transport dynamics of the Amazon River Plume revealed using radium isotope analysis, Elana J. Ames
Use of Multibeam and Split-beam SONAR to Observe Changes in Fish School Biomass in Relation to Dolphin Abundance, Reece Eleanor Aponte
Residency, Diel Movement, and Tidal Patterns of Large Juvenile Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in Winyah Bay, SC, Jeremy Lee Arnt
Glucose Oxidase and Prussian Blue Nanoparticles Encapsulated within a Xerogel for Electrochemical Detection of Glucose, Daniel Baker
Lattice Paths in Diagonals and Dimensions, Freya Bennett
Singular Value Decomposition, Krystal Bonaccorso and Andrew Incognito
Inter-Annual to Inter-Decadal Spatiotemporal Effects of Storm and Nourishment Events in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Christina Mary Boyce
Should the United States Collect Intelligence on its Close Allies?, Shannon Brophy
Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution: In Theory and Impact, Marissa Bryan
Cluster Analysis of Opioid Accessibility in the Carolinas Using Data from the ARCOS Database and an Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method, Michael T. Bunker
A Summary of Current Research into Neurodegenerative Disorders Using Drosophila melanogaster, Chase Cortese
Blenny Territoriality at Oyster Landing, North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: Seasonal patterns and ecological factors, Sydney Davis and Juliana Harding
Social Media Dependency and College Student Adjustment, Kylee DeFrese
20th and 21st Century Sea-Level Variability in Winyah Bay, SC, Madison Schemery Fink
Anti-Semitism as a Political Tool of Tyrannical Government, Bailey Gordon and Kimberly Hale
Is anyone home? Year Round Site Fidelity vs. Temporal Territories in Estuarine Blennies, Nicholas Govostes
Parametric Model Development For Heterogeneous Atmospheric Conditions, Daniel Paul Greenway
Testing the Potential of Environmental DNA: Genetic Monitoring of Estuarine and Coastal Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Stocks in South Carolina, Kathryn Greiner-Ferris
The Relationship between Classroom Distractions and Off-Task Students, Ashton Harrison and Kathryn E. Wojnar
Kinesthetic Aftereffects and Anticipation Timing of a Weighted Bat Warm-up in Softball Players, KYLEE L. HILL
"Turn Up the Music!", Caitlyn M. Hinnerschitz and Catherine Scott
Community Involvement in Flood Mitigation: A Survey-Based Approach in Marion County, SC, Lillian C. Howie
What is the function of theoretical theatre ideas, given the content presented in Modern Theatre?, James Carson Jester and Robert Earnest