Date of Award

Fall 12-14-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Intelligence and National Security Studies


College of Humanities and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Matthew R. Cobb


In the 21st century, the Muslim world is continuously growing, in which Muslim’s make up approximately 24% of the world’s population. Additionally, the Muslim-majority countries, of which 50% or more of the population identify as Muslim, have lagged behind historically in democratizing. In many of these Muslim-majority countries, terrorism has an active presence and often times a destabilizing effect. In this study, I utilize the Global Terrorism Database, and other various data sources, to provide an empirical assessment of the political institutions of Muslim-majority countries, and their correlations to terrorism. I find that Muslim-majority countries in a state of failure are very likely to experience terrorist attacks. I also find that Muslim-majority democracies have no statistically significant correlation to experiencing terrorist attacks. Lastly, the findings on Muslim-majority anocracies in this study can help provide further information for future studies on the correlation between anocracy and terrorism.

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