"Analysis of Business Capstone Consulting Report: Willamette Valley Vin" by Allison C. Beirne

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Finance and Economics


College of Business

First Advisor

Dr. Kay Keels


My capstone course consisted of a group consulting report on conceptualizing a business, analyzing the internal and external factors, and implementing potential strategies for said business. There are four milestones that my team, Palmetto Consultants, completed over the course of the semester, delegating out the tasks and tools needed to conclude our report. Our team performed very much like a high-functioning business, as we utilized a written contract and interchanged specific roles for each milestone. Before starting on each section of the report, we planned and recorded the work each team member was responsible for and adhered to these plans as stated in our team contract. Our analyses went smoothly, and we were able to cohesively work together, eliminating any negative obstacles we faced. This thesis will comprise the analyses that I completed individually, reflecting on the achievements and challenges I faced throughout each milestone.
