"The Correlation Between Student Self-Advocacy and Postsecondary Succes" by Kaleigh Tarabek

Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Special Education


College of Education

First Advisor

Rhonda Miller


This project incorporated ideas of a previous study that examined the effects of self-advocacy and conflict resolution training modules on the ability of four high school seniors with mild disabilities to ask for their accommodations (Holzberg, et al.,. 2019). The survey I will be using: Self-Determination/Self-Advocacy Checklist, from the transition planning inventory, will be used for the pre and post assessment in order to measure the increase from student indicated don’t knows to yes. I will be compiling student data using student surveys. I will reflect and analyze survey responses as my sample size and student demographics will be different. I will also implement an intervention in the form of social emotional learning lessons focused on self-advocacy that were taught to the participants in order to increase self-advocacy skills seen on the student survey. Replicating certain factors in this study will allow for reliable, valid, and standardized data.
