This page contains all graduate theses and dissertations and all undergraduate theses published at Coastal Carolina University. To see theses and dissertations from the College of Graduate Studies and Research click here. To see theses from the Honors College and Center for Interdisciplinary Studies click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Mary's Wedding, Amelia Gay Hammond
Mission Statements: The Soul of an Organization, Brian Johns
The Contribution of Various Nekton Species to Nutrient Cycling Through Excretion and Bioturbation in an Intertidal Creek, Carrie Jones
Micro-metazoan Use of Spartina alterniflora Stems of Different Ages, Jessica Laurel Kanes
The Apology of Sidney: Explaining Martyrdom, Michael Marinaccio
Modern Sophistry: On the "Economization" of Higher Education, Michael McShane
Contribution of Candida albicans to the Synthesis of the Volatile Organic Compound Ethanol in Putrefied Bodies, Chelsey Mozingo
Comparison of Surf Zone and Nearshore Nekton Communities in Horry County, South Carolina, Jeremy Mull
The Effects of Permanent Magnets as an Elasmobranch-selective Repellent, Craig P. O'Connell
Examining the Conservation Implications of Fire Management on Plant Assemblage Structure in Isolated Wetlands and Longleaf Pine Uplands at Sandy Island, South Carolina, Laura Jean Shappell
The Effect of a Phytoplankton Maximum on the Trophic Food Chain of the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in North Inlet, South Carolina., Lindsay Michael Stang
Relationship of Filamentous Fungi and Yeast Abundance to Level of Human Use in Beach Sand of Horry County, SC, Julia L. Stevens
Augustus and the Architecture of Masculinity, Katie Thompson
Effects of a Spatially and Temporally Predictable Chlorophyll Maximum on Bottlenose Dolphin Distribution in a South Carolina Estuary, Steven W. Thornton
Effects of Inter-tributary Dissolved Organic Carbon Variability on Heterotrophic Microbial Communities in Upper Winyah Bay, SC, Emma K. Wear
Effects of Shoreline Development on Plant Composition and Physical Structure in a South Carolina High Marsh, Zofia Zaplatynski
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Effects of Fire Management on Herpetofauna of Sandy Island, South Carolina, Kirstin Berben
Differences in the Energy Expenditures of Oceanic and Estuarine Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Robert Earl Clelland
Captain and His Customers: A Case Study of the Sea Captain's House Restaurant, Dana DiCintio
Nest-site Selection of Wilson's Plovers (Charadrius wilsonia) in South Carolina, Kerri Ann Dikun
Prevalence, Patterns, and Effects of Shell Damage on Geukensia Demissa in South Carolina Estuarine Habitats, Rachel E. Hillard
Response of High Marsh Benthic Invertebrate Assemblages to Shoreline Development in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, USA, Jennifer S. Jackson
The Influence of Meteorological and Substrate Factors upon Embryonic Outcomes of Caretta caretta Nests in South Carolina, Katrina Johnston
Tectonic and Magmatic Modification of Ocean Crustal Bulk Physical Properties: A Global Perspective, Nicole Kuenzel
Abundance, Richness, and Habitat Preferences of Small Mammals on Spring Island, South Carolina., Mario James Lawrence
Status and Trends of a Globally Imperiled Atlantic Coastal Plain Wetland: Links to Hydrogeologic Setting and Conservation, Monica J. Marlowe
Distribution of Neonate Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, in a South Carolina Estuary and Nearby Waters, M. Kathleen Maxwell
Comparison of Elasmobranch Fauna in Two South Carolina Estuaries Differing in their Degree of Human Impact, Mollie M. McDonough
The Use of Ionic Liquids as Solvents: A Look at Dialkylimidazolium Compounds as a Solvent for the Production of Biodiesel, Mary Catherine Mullen
Release, Emily Nott
Breast Coloration and Algae Consumption by Bluegill Sunfish, M. Edward Parsons
Santee River Delta: Evaluating the Effects of the Rediversion Project, Christina Ann Rarick
Bat Species Richness and Edge Habitat Use on a Coastal Island in South Carolina, Travis Ford Scott
Journey to Jinja: My Missions Trip to Uganda, Tasha Sutherland
Competition Between Littoraria irrorata (Say) and Melampus bidentatus (Say) in the High Marsh on Waties Island, South Carolina, Elizabeth B. Trott
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Millennials and the Vietnam War: Looking Through a Distorted Lens, Andrew T. Caress
A Review of the Treatment of Monilethrix from the 1960's to Current Date, Carla Hood
Habituation and Generalization of Aggression Response in Male Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta splendens, Catherine M. Mingee
The Effect of Changing Salinity on Sepioteuthis sepioidea Growth Rates, Blair Gordon Paul
Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibited by Iron Porphyrin Immobilized on Nafion Film, Mathieu Sabbagh
Prior Impacts Determine Future Success: Blue Crab Predation on the Ribbed Marsh Mussel, Jessica Stewart
Ecological Characterization of Plant Communities in Nine Carolina Bays of Northeastern South Carolina, Danielle C. Zoellner
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Water Quality Factors Likely Contributing to Hypoxia Along the Grand Strand, John R. Adamec
Justinian's Digest : Duke University's Late Medieval Fragments, Jeremy Atkinson
Influence of Sediment Type, Salinity, and Depth on the Distribution of Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in a South Carolina Estuary, USA, Kathryn Page Blair
Temporal Variability of Gulf Stream Warm and Cold Ring Formation, Allison Byrd
The Effects of 17β-Estradiol and Progesterone on Ovarian and Liver Mass in Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), Robbie Alexander Clifton
Influence of Structure and Anthropogenic Inputs on Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, and Associated Estuarine Fauna, Ryan Corbin
The Fight Off the Battlefield: The Importance of the Support of the People in the Hundred Years' War, Angela Dembiczak
Effects of Vertical Structure on Inshore Artificial Reef Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities, Jason Allan Garwood
Habitat Partitioning in Four Species of Sharks in Winyah Bay, SC, Kelsey Gocke
"Now's the Time": A Young Man's Journey into Jazz, Simon Harding
Correlations Between the Distributions of the Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina) and the Southern Stingray (Dasyatis americana) to Salinity Profiles in Winyah Bay, South Carolina, Season Klein-Majors
Plant Distribution and Diversity across the Ecotone between Carolina Bays and Pine Savanna on the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, Lorrie Laliberte
A Comparative Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Mosquito Breeding Habitats in Warren County, New Jersey, Christine M. Lynn
The Law of Demeter Applied to Aspect-Oriented Programming, Rhett S. McCarty
Cash: Where Did it Come From? An Analysis in Change of Cash Reserves from 1994 to 2004, Trent Miller
Healthy Campus 2010 & Coastal Carolina University: Profiling the Student Body in Terms of the Most Prevalent Health Issues, Britt Nordin
Investigation of the Mechanism of CD8+ T Cell Homeostasis After Activation by C. neoformans-laden Microglial Cells, Jessica E. Nordin
Investigation of CD8+ T Cell Cytotoxicity Within the Central Nervous System when Infected with Cryptococcus neoformans, Sherry Pittman
How to Launch a Successful Small Business in Horry County, SC, Brandon Sessions
A Look at Mergers & Acquisitions Between the Telecommunication and Information Communication Industries with Respect to Debt, Solomon J. Shields
Feeding Strategies of a Hybrid Cichlid and its Relatives: The Hybrid Freshwater Parrot Cichlid (Cichlasoma sp?), Lara A. Zamarripa
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Canine Behavior in the Veterinary Setting Based on Owner History and Age, Amanda Colon
A Comparison of Mitochondrial DNA Diversity Among Wild and Captive Red Panda Populations, Kathryn A. Copenhaver
Expectations for Civil Rights in the United States: The Continuing Struggle for Racial and Gender Equality, Dorian Lockhart Dalton
Frequency of Occurrence of Phytoplankton Blooms on the Grand Strand, South Carolina, Katherine E. Davis
Mercury Deposition in Two Areas of Horry County, SC, Andrew Deffobis
An Examination of the Relationship Between Uca spp. Burrow Depth, Density, and Distance from a Tidal Creek, Laura Eaton
Association Patterns and Habitat Use by Mother-Infant Pairs of Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the North Inlet estuary near Georgetown, South Carolina, Jillian L. Fisher
A Review of a Survey of the Genotoxicity of Horry County Waterways, Casey Hale
One Soldier's Effort to Tell his Story: A Case Study on the Military Slang in the Journalistic Discourse of an A.E.F. Lieutenant, Charles Horton
The Effects of the Herbicide, Atrazine, and Other Local Pollutants on the Fertilization and Development of the Sea Urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, Jessica Lee Keffer
Validity of the Advection-Diffusion Equation, Mathew Knowlen
Employee Theft on the Grand Strand, Mariana Levi
Sharks of Winyah Bay: Database Design and Preliminary Data Analysis, Charles Ligocki
Impact of Urbanization on the Coastal Wetlands in Myrtle Beach, SC, Ryan Lloyd
The Warren Buffett Methodology: Are Patience and Fortitude Determinants of Success?, Matthew S. Miller
Disinfectant Effect of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (EOW), with Variations in Concentration and Contact Time, on Coastal Carolina's Athletic Pond, Alena Newpher-Lockard
Identification of the Immunoglobulin Superfamily Proteins in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Melissa Rohal
The Influence of U.S. Public Opinion on U.S. Relations with Spain and Cuba: 1895-1903, Jason A. Schipper
Habitat Utilization by Multiple Shark Species in a Southeastern Salt Marsh Estuary, Bree KaraBeth Yednock
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Blue, Uncertain Stumbling Buzz: Tracing Postmodernism Through History, Ashley M. Bailey
Marketing the English Major: An Investigation of the Activities, Interests, and Future Lifestyle Choices of Students at Coastal Carolina University, Jennifer Lindsey Barnhill
Angel 41: How I Lost My Faith in the Backseat of a Car, Everett Flowers
Becoming a Professional Ceramic Artist, Brandi Green
Spatial Delineation of Shark Habitat and Nursery Grounds in Winyah Bay, South Carolina, Katherine E. Koontz
Attitudes Toward Rape Victims and Rape Myth Acceptance as a Function of Gender and Victimization, Meredith R. Putnam
Retrofitting a Residential Retention/Detention Pond to Improve Water Quality of Stormwater Runoff, Jeremy Saeger
The Evolution of the Unusual Avian Microsatellite, Mme 12, Tiffany Snyder
The Effect of Sediment Temperature on the Burrowing Behavior of Male Fiddler Crabs, Uca pugilator, Marilyn R. Testa
The Evolution of the Unusual Avian Microsatellite, Mme 12, Clare Thomasy
An Examination of Student and Faculty Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty, Matthew T. Vaughan
The Woman in White: Uncensored, Patricia S. Verzella
Examination of Salinity Controls upon a Common Raphidophyte Algal Species in South Carolina, Annya Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Controversy Over Ambiguous Genitalia and How the Legal System Can Protect the Rights of the Intersexed, Jennifer Lynn Goodman Akins