Date of Award

Spring 2008

Document Type

Legacy Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




College of Humanities and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Randall Wells


My purpose for this thesis is multifaceted. My desire is to document my journey, provide readers with insight to the Ugandan people and culture, and to examine how electronic literature can remain significant in the academic world. In a generation that hinges on digital arts, I believe it is vital for scholars to appreciate and utilize the various communication forums that technology offers. Today's literature must make an attempt to remain relative and "up-to-date," and the most obvious way to do this is by intersecting many domains, not just the textual. The digital format of my thesis is meant to provide an example of how technology-based projects can not only complete the standard requirements for a written senior thesis, but in fact, can actually prove to be far superior. Instead of simply producing a bound periodical, my website provides more versatility for both the author and the reader.


This thesis contains a digital journal which was created in 2008 using the now-obsolete Microsoft FrontPage software. Please see the following steps to view this digital journal from your browser.

  1. Download the zip file from the Additional Files area below.
  2. Unzip the file using your computer's zip utility tool (Archive Utility, 7-Zip, etc.).
  3. Open the JINJA folder, find the index.html file, and right-click it to open it in a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

This allows viewers to view the entire digital journal and its associated files from their browser and negates the need to migrate the entire website to new a software application.

JINJA Website (2853 kB)
Journey to Jinja website files
