Content Posted in 2020
Academic Affairs and Assessment Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Academic Affairs and Assessment Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Academic Affairs and Assessment Committee, December 17, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Academic Affairs and Assessment Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
A Community Conversation: Researching Cultural Heritage and Conversation on Cumberland Island, Georgia, Kelly Goldberg, Kevin Fogle, Heather Hodges, and Keilah Spann
A Community Conversation: Researching Cultural Heritage and Conversation on Cumberland Island, Georgia, Kelly Goldberg, Kevin Fogle, Heather Hodges, and Keilah Spann
A Comparative Analysis of Public Health Expenditures in the States of India and the United States: A Two-Nation Test of Some Alternative Models, Kant Patel and Roger Durand
A Computer Modeling Technique for Analyzing the Socio-Political Inputs for Land-Use Planning in a Coastal Zone, Harold E. Albert and Marvin R. Pilo
A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Regional Planning Agency Behavior, Charlie B. Tyer
A Descriptive Portrait of State Judicial Oversight of State Agencies, Rick A. Swanson
Adinkrahene: Honoring Women's Leadership and Greatness Through Fiber and Textiles, Precious D. Lovell
Adinkrahene: Honoring Women's Leadership and Greatness Through Fiber and Textiles, Precious D. Lovell
A Double-Sided Mirror: "Otherizing" and Normalizing the Silenced Voices of Appalachian Women, Ashley Canter
Advancement, Marketing and Alumni Affairs Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Advancement, Marketing and Alumni Affairs Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Advancement, Marketing and Alumni Affairs Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Affirmative Action as a Woman's Issue, Roberta Ann Johnson
Afghanistan: Political Exiles In Search Of A State, Barnett R. Rubin
A Form of Skilled Labor: Entrepreneurial Gullah Geechee Women and "Head Carrying", Alisha M. Cromwell
A Form of Skilled Labor: Entrepreneurial Gullah Geechee Women and "Head Carrying", Alisha M. Cromwell
African Americans in South Carolina Politics, Carol S. Botsch and Robert E. Botsch
African Diasporic Migrations from Rural to Urban Space: Alice Childress' Reconstruction of Home in Her Plays Gullah and Sea Island Song, Corrie Claiborne
African Diasporic Migrations from Rural to Urban Space: Alice Childress' Reconstruction of Home in Her Plays Gullah and Sea Island Song, Corrie Claiborne
Agency Character and Congressional Budget Cutting Behavior, John Wanat
A Last-Minute Voting Cue in a High-Information Setting: An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of The New York Times Presidential Endorsement, Anthony J. Nownes and Gregory Neddenriep
Alienation: The Case of the Catholics in Northern Ireland, Edward P. Moxon-Browne
A Life of One's Own: Slavery, Self-Ownership, and the Foundations of Frederick Douglass's Liberalism, Nicholas Buccola
Ambition Theory and Presidential Aspirations: How the Senators Vote, Samuel J. Pernacciaro and Jack R. Van Der Slik
Analyzing the Trends of Split-Ticket Voting in Israel, Giora Goldberg
An Analysis of the November 9, 1971 Referendum Vote on Rapid Transit in Fulton County, Abraham L. Davis
An Examination of Minority Groups and Human Rights Issues in Europe and Africa, E. Ike Udogu
An Exchange Theory of Representation Within Interest Groups, Kent Lane Oots
A Note on the Elaboration of Covert Motives: The Case of Racial Prejudice and Busing Opinion, Bruce A. Campbell
Anthropogenically expedited transit reduces organic carbon loss in the Lower Mississippi River: dataset, Zhixiong Shen, Brad E. Rosenheim, Torbjörn E. Törnqvist, and Andreas Lang
Anti-Semitism as a Political Tool of Tyrannical Government, Bailey Gordon and Kimberly Hale
Antonio Gramsci: Biography and Leadership, James Martin
A Political Analysis of the Ability of Professors to Affect Student Attitudes: A Study of Student Reactions to Academic Title and Supposed Experience, Donald Hugh Smith
Approval of a Political Institution: A Comparison of Winners and Losers, John J. Havick
Approximate Approaches for Nuclear Weak Interaction Rates in Astrophysics, Benjamin M. Anderson
A Spatial Model of Voting Fluidity on the United States Supreme Court, Min Ye and Jennifer K. Luse
Assessment of Balance in Collegiate Cheerleaders: Is Implementing a Balance Training Program a Good Idea?, Caitlin Carroll
A Tempest (Aimé Césaire), Sara Rich
A Tempest by Aimé Césaire: Curriculum Guide for Postcolonial Educators, Sara Rich
A Test of Prospective Voting in House Elections Using Leading Economic Indicators, Joseph P. McGarrity
Athletics Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Athletics Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Athletics Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Attorney Members of the 1972 Kentucky Senate, Horace W. Fleming Jr.
Audit Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Back to Africa? Revisiting Historical and Contemporary African Return Movements, Hewan Girma
Back to Africa? Revisiting Historical and Contemporary African Return Movements, Hewan Girma
Bacterial Death Results from Mutations Made in Translocation Peptide of Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase, Daniel M. McDonough, Layla N. Baykal, Mallory J. Banton, and Rachel A. Hellmann-Whitaker
Bacterial Death Results from Mutations Made in Translocation Peptide of Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase, Daniel M. McDonough, Layla N. Baykal, Mallory J. Banton, and Rachel A. Hellmann-Whitaker
Beenyahs BEEN Magic: Re-imagining the South Carolina Lowcountry as a Portal for Africana and Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sara Makeba Daise
Beenyahs BEEN Magic: Re-imagining the South Carolina Lowcountry as a Portal for Africana and Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sara Makeba Daise
Behavioral Ecology of Territorial Aggression in Uca pugilator and Uca pugnax, Abbey N. Thomas
Benchmarking the Advanced Search Interfaces of Eight Major WWW Search Engines, John W. Felts and Randy D. Ralph
Between Rocks and Hardplaces? The Strategic Path of Jordan in a Changing Middle East, John C. Creed
Biography Behind the Scenes: Benjamin Victor Cohen and the Spirit of the New Deal, William Lasser
Black Balance of Power in a Metropolitan Southern County: Fact or Fancy?, Winfield H. Rose
Black Indigeneity: Exploring Ethno-racial Policy for the Garifuna in Honduras, Sheryl Felecia Means
Black Indigeneity: Exploring Ethno-racial Policy for the Garifuna in Honduras, Sheryl Felecia Means
Blacks' Political Mobilization Today: The Implications for Addressing Intra-Community Issues such as Capacity Building and Development, Theodore J. Davis Jr.
Board of Trustees Agenda, February 21, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Agenda, June 16, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Agenda, June 26, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Agenda, May 26, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Agenda, May 8, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Minutes, December 11, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Minutes, December 17, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 15, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Board of Trustees Minutes, October 11, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Book Review: A New World Order by Anne-Marie Slaughter, Michael Morris
Book Review: Athenian Legacies: Essays on the Politics of Going On Together by Josiah Ober, Aristide Tessitore
Book Review: Building a Worlds Community: Globalization and the Common Good by Jaques Baudot, Conway Henderson
Book Review: Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives by Ruth Lister, Ashlie Lancaster
Book Review: Contemporary Southern Political Attitudes and Behavior by Moreland, Baker and Steed, Stephen H. Wainscott
Book Review: Democracy by Force: US Military Intervention in the Psot-Cold War World, John C. Creed
Book Review: Ecological Policy and Politics in Developing Countries by Day Desi, Conway Henderson
Book Review: Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics by Jeffrey D. Schultz et al., Debora Johnson-Ross
Book Review: Fundamentalism Reborn? by William Maley, Joyce N. Wiley
Book Review: Globalization and the Politics of Pay: Policy Choices in the American States by Susan B. Hansen, Branwell DuBose Kapeluck
Book Review: Hitler's Third Reich: A Documentary History by Louis L. Snyder, Donald M. McKale
Book Review: Political Organizations by James Q. Wilson, James L. Guth
Book Review: Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought by Sheldon S. Wolin, Joseph Pappin III
Book Review: Racial Culture: A Critique by Richard T. Ford, Michael Lipscomb
Book Review: Radical Feminism: A Documentary Reader by Barbara A. Crow, Betsy Eudey
Book Reviews, Sheila Elliott and Debora Johnson-Ross
Book Reviews: Citizenship Rites by Ilene Rose Feinman; Gender and Immigration by Gregory Kelson and Debra L. DeLaet; Still Counting by Linda Trimble and Jane Arscott, Karen M. Kedrowski
Book Reviews: Democratic Justice by Ian Shapiro; Democracy & Trust by Mark E. Warren; Democracy's Edges by Ian and Casiano Hacker-Cordon, Steven P. Millies
Book Reviews: Government in the Palmetto State and The Legislative Veto: Congressional Control of Regulation, Steven K. Smith and William Lasser
Book Review: Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age by Matthew A. Baum, Jonathan Smith
Book Review: Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and Change, 1991-2001 by John A. Clark and Charles S. Prysby, John Thielmann
Book Reviews: The Brezhnev Politburo and the Decline of Détente, Problems in Administrative Reform, and The Third Reich, 1933-1939: A Historical Bibliography, Richard Brown, Michael Mumper, and Donald M. McKale
Book Review: Terrorism and the Constitution by David Cole and James X. Dempsey, Joyce N. Wiley
Book Review: Terrorism: Avoidance and Survival by Chester L. Quarles, Andrew Myers
Book Review: The American Language of Rights by Richard Primus, Angela Ledford
Book Review: The Ethics of Identity by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Claire P. Curtis
Book Review: The Islamist Challenge in Algeria: A Political History by Michael Willis, E. Ike Udogu
Book Review: Theory and History in International Relations by Donald J. Puchala, Chris Van Aller
Book Review: The Promise and Peril of International Trade by Jeff Colgan, Kema Irogbe
Book Review: The Shadowlands of Conduct: Ethics and State Politics by Beth A. Rosenson, Philip H. Jos
Book Review: War and Reconciliation: Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution by William J. Long and Peter Brecke, Lizabeth Zack
Book Review: Why Wars Happen by Jeremy Black, Conway Henderson
Budgeting in State Government: The Case of South Carolina, Gary H. Brooks and John R. Dempsey
Bully Pulpit or Ham Radio? Receptive Audiences and Presidential Messages, Matthew Miles and Donald Haider-Markel
Bureaucratic Politics and the Foreign Policy Process: The Missing Element of Process, Paul D. Hoyt
Bureaucratic Power and Instream Flows, Berton L. Lamb and Harvey R. Doerksen
Businesses Going Green: An Analysis of the Factors that Motivate Firms to Adopt Environmentally Friendly Practices, Emma Currin
Campaign Contributions and U.S. Foreign Policy Outcomes: An Analysis of Armenian Identity Group Interests, Trevor Rubeuzer
Campbell v. Campbell: An Examination of the Original And Revised Theories of Surge and Decline, Joseph Gershtenson
Campus Food Forest, Abigail Spangler
Can Partisanship Trump Racism? White Voter Support for Black Republican Candidates, Paul White Jr. and Robert W. Oldendick
CeTEAL News, January/February 2020, CeTEAL, Coastal Carolina University
CeTEAL News, July/August 2020, CeTEAL
CeTEAL News, March/April 2020, CeTEAL, Coastal Carolina University
CeTEAL News, May/June 2020, CeTEAL
Change and Continuity in the Recruitment of Italian Political Terrorists, Leonard Weinberg and William Eubank
Changing Dynamics of Japanese Relations With Africa, Rebecca Spyke
Changing Patterns of Conflict: Dissent to Denials of Review in the Burger Court, S. Sidney Ulmer and William W. Nicholls Jr.
Character and water quality of Sandpiper Pond: A coastal pond assessment, fifteen years after restoration, Nicholas E. Workman
Characterizing diatom biofilms and their influence on the sand biogeochemistry of high energy beaches, Logan C. Jarrell
Children's Images of Presidents: Personalization Versus Role, Harrel R. Rodgers Jr.; Norman Eisenberg,; George Miller; Patrick Reilly; and Dean Nadasty
Choice Preference, Civic Duty and Voter Turnout, Ching-Hsing Wang
Christian Coalition: The Evolving Unity of the Fundamentalist Right, Oran P. Smith
Christian Conservatism: A Study in Alienation and Life Style Concerns, Kant Patel, Denny Pilant, and Gary L. Rose
City Leaders and Economic Development Networks: The All-Channel Star Network, Christopher A. Jarmon and James M. Vanderleeuw
Civil Religion, Fundamentalism, and the Politics and Policies of George W. Bush, Manfred Brocke
Classifying Supreme Court Concurrences: The Case of Justice Clarence Thomas, Charles C. Turner and Lori Beth Way
Clothing as Identity and Resistance: A Case Study of Women's Sunday Dress in Gullah Geechee Communities, Hattie Jordan
Clothing as Identity and Resistance: A Case Study of Women's Sunday Dress in Gullah Geechee Communities, Hattie Jordan
Cluster Analysis of Opioid Accessibility in the Carolinas Using Data from the ARCOS Database and an Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method, Michael T. Bunker
Co-Crystallization and Polymorphism of Naturally Occurring Peptide Derivatives, Kevin Crowley
Collective Interventions After the Cold War: Reflections on the UN Mission to the Congo, 1960-64, John F. Clark
Commencement Program, June 1, 1969, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, June 5, 1971, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 10, 1975, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 10, 1980, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 10, 1987, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 1, 1982, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 12, 1986, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 15, 1988, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 19, 1985, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 2, 1981, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 3, 1992, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 5, 1979, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 5, 1984, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 5, 1991, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 6, 1978, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 6, 1990, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 7, 1977, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 7, 1983, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 7, 1989, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 8, 1976, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Commencement Program, May 8, 1993, USC Coastal Carolina College and Coastal Carolina University
Comments to Progress: How to Achieve a Student Writer's Sense of Authority through Feedback in the Revision Process, Jocie Scherkenbach
Committee Members Under the Spotlight: An Empirical Analysis of Why Senators Actively Participate in the Confirmation Hearings, Charles Gregory
Committee Socialization in the U. S. House of Representatives, James L. Guth
Communication and Citizen Participation in Southern Local Politics: A Disconnect Between Municipalities and Constituents, Rachael B. Houston
Community Involvement in Flood Mitigation: A Survey-Based Approach in Marion County, SC, Lillian C. Howie
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF KPMG AND EY, Nichole A. Snow and Hali M. Phillips
Congressional Perquisites and Incumbent Safety, Keith S. Henry and Michael J. Scicchitano
Congress, the Constitution, and the Politics of Taxation, Randall W. Strahan
Considering Congressional Candidates: Substantive Salience and Incumbency Advantage in U.S. House Elections, Jeff R. DeWitt
Constituency Influence on Senate Voting: Public School Desegregation, Steven A. Shull
Constitutional Aspects, David Keller
Constitutional Aspects of Home Rule, Richard Riley
Constitutional Aspects of Home Rule in South Carolina, Peden McCleod
Consulting Paper Reflection, Blake C. Osting
Conversation with Margaret Washington, Margaret Washington
Conversation with Margaret Washington, Margaret Washington
Correlates of International Alignment, Richard A. Skinner and Charles W. Kegley Jr.
Correlates of Progressive Taxation in American States, Gary H. Brooks
Creating Archives without Borders, Chaitra Powell, Steven G. Fullwood, and Miranda Mims
Creating Archives without Borders, Chaitra Powell, Steven G. Fullwood, and Miranda Mims
Crime and Civil Liberties: How Our Opinions Are Formulated, Shmuel T. Lock
Crossover Among Republican Voters In A Dominant Democratic Setting, Steven D. Williams and Charles McCall
Cycles of Terrorism: A Question of Contemporary Counterterror and Harrassment Against the Armenians, Michael Gunter
Decision-Making: School Boards From a Political Perspective, Paul D. Blanchard and Robert L. Kline
Deepening the Sierra Leone-Gullah Connection, Darla Domke-Damonte
Deepening the Sierra Leone-Gullah Connection, Darla Domke-Damonte
Demographic Change and Municipal Expenditure, 1980-1990, Barbara L. Neuby
Demographic Change and Municipal Expenditure: 1980-2000, Barbara L. Neuby
De Tocqueville's Democracy in America: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective, Eileen L. McDonagh
Developing Online Archives for Interactive Humanities Projects, Betsy Newman and Patrick Hayes
Developing Online Archives for Interactive Humanities Projects, Betsy Newman and Patrick Hayes
Development of methods to track oyster movement under field conditions in North Inlet estuary, South Carolina, Alyssa M. LeClaire
Dialogal Phenomenology and the Pursuit of Political Reality, Stuart C. Gilman
Differences in Men and Women Judges: Perspectives on Gender, F. Elaine Martin
"Different People or Switching Sides?" Understanding the Determinants of Political Change in the States, Scott Harris
Diplomatic Studies Programs in the Caribbean Basin, Ufot B. Inamete
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Dynamics in Swash Zone Sands of Long Bay, SC, Alexis F. Echols
Divided Government and Veto Player Behavior in the Federal Criminal Justice Spending Process, Pamela M. Schaal
Documenting African American Heritage, Jannie Harriot, Jeanne Cyriaque, and Justin Robinson
Documenting African American Heritage, Jannie Harriot, Jeanne Cyriaque, and Justin Robinson
Does Gender Matter? Similarities and Differences in the Governance of Southern Municipalities, Robert P. Watson, Sharon K. Parsons, and Robyn Merrick
Does Globalization Encourage States to Be More Aggressive against " Modern Slavery" Cross-National Analyses, Satoshi Machida
Domestic Politics in the Book of Judges, John R. Vile and Andrew W. Foshee
Domestic Spying: The Case of the French Government and Royalists in the Early Third Republic, Alan Grubb
Dominant Parties, Economic Trends and West European Election Behavior, H. G. Peter Wallach
Do Red and Blue Make Green? An Analysis of the League of Conservation Voters Congressional Scorecards, Patrick Fisher and Michael Taylor
Douglas Wilder and the Continuing Significance of Race: An Analysis of the 1989 Gubernatorial Election, Judson L. Jeffries
Drawing Circles with Dance, Miya S. Fowler
Drawing Circles with Dance, Miya S. Fowler
Economic Orientations and Social Stratification: Public Opinion in Contemporary America, Charles L. Prysby
Editor's Note, Jonathan Smith
Education, Employment, and Coastal Carolina University: What Are CCU Students' Plans After Graduation?, Tom Fernandez
Effects of Emotional Valence and Depth of Processing on Memory, Lauren Tyndall and Matthew Murphy
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity of aquatic litter-associated fungi, Nicholas Bautz
Effects of warming on decomposition of submerged plant litter and associated microorganisms in streamside channels, Kaity Ackerman
Electoral and Party Development in South Carolina, Robert P. Steed, Laurence W. Moreland, and Tod A. Baker
Electoral Choice and Individual Characteristics Toward A Bio-Data Approach, Robert T. Golembiewski, Keith R. Billingsley, and Robert Munzenrider
Energy, Society and the Global System: Towards an Ecological Model of African Underdevelopment, Tobias J. Lanz
Erna Brodber's Louisiana: Moving Beyond Borders to Understand Transnational Slavery, Matthew L. Miller
Erna Brodber's Louisiana: Moving Beyond Borders to Understand Transnational Slavery, Matthew L. Miller
Ethics and Public Administration, Peter J. Groen
Ethics and the New Style Candidate Pollster, Bruce Altschuler
Ethno-Nationalism and International Relations in Soviet Azerbaijan, Bradford R. McGuinn
Ethno-Nationalism and International Relations Textbook Literature, Bernard Schechterman
Ethnonationalism in the Soviet Union: The Case of the Baltic States, Luba Racanska
Every Which Way and Loose: The Changing Suburban and Urban South Carolina Electorates, Chris Grant and Jon Baggett
Examining the effects yoga has on stress in college students and middle-aged adults, Nicole Van Dzura
Executive Committee Agenda, February 21, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Executive Committee, December 17, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Executive Committee, October 11, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Exercising Dominion over Metropolitan Growth: A Case Study of Charleston, South Carolina, Jane McCollough and William V. Moore
Exile Government In The Armenian Polity, Khachig Tololyan
Expanding the Circle of Culture: An Africana Studies Examination of Haitian and Gullah-Geechee Social Contracts, Samuel T. Livingston
Expanding the Circle of Culture: An Africana Studies Examination of Haitian and Gullah-Geechee Social Contracts, Samuel T. Livingston
Explaining Policy Convergence in Europe: A Research Note, Amanda Michalski, Brent F. Nelsen, and James L. Guth
Explaining State Voter Turnout Rates: Do Welfare Policies Matter, Han Soo Lee
Exposing Artemia Salina to Chattonella Subsalsa: A General Toxicity Test, Nicholas Picha
Fall Commencement Program, December 10, 2005, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 11-12, 2015, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 11, 1999, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 11, 2004, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 11, 2010, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 12, 2009, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 13, 1998, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 13, 2003, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 13, 2008, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 13, 2014, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 14, 1997, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 14, 2002, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 14, 2018, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 15, 1996, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 15, 2001, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 15, 2012, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 15, 2017, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 16, 1994, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 16, 2016, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 17, 1993, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 17, 1995, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 17, 2011, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 17, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 9, 2000, Coastal Carolina University
Fall Commencement Program, December 9, 2006, Coastal Carolina University
Federal Assistance and the Changing Focus of State Planning: State Planners Assess the 701 Program and General Revenue Sharing, Roger N. Pajari
Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee Agenda, May 8, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee, December 17, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
First in the South: The Importance of South Carolina in Presidential Politics, Scott H. Huffmon, H. Gibbs Knotts, and Seth C. McKee
Fiscal Aspects of Home Rule, Robert Mauney
Fiscal Aspects of Home Rule in South Carolina, Gene Klugh
Fiscal Aspects of Revised Article VIII of S. C. Constitution, Roland Windham
Forgotten But Not Gone: Mountain Republicans and Contemporary Southern Party Politics, Robert P. Steed, Tod A. Baker, and Laurence W. Moreland
"For We are Making History": John W. Bolts and Archival Memory in South Carolina, Valerie McLaurin
"For We are Making History": John W. Bolts and Archival Memory in South Carolina, Valerie McLaurin
Founding Fathers from South Carolina, Jens Feck
Framing Rebellious Choices: The Case of the Palestinian National Movement, Daniel Masters
Frankenstein: A Feminist Birth Myth of Morbid Conception, Madison R. Rahner
Freedom in Education: The Movement to Educate the Freedmen in the Pee Dee Region During Reconstruction, Aliyyah Willis
From Africa and France to Haiti and Carolina: The Noisette Family's Journey, F. Eliza Glaze
From Africa and France to Haiti and Carolina: The Noisette Family's Journey, F. Eliza Glaze
From Mixed Constitutions to Checks and Balances: Did the Mediterranean World Influence the Founders of the American Republic, Arnon Gutfeld
From Paradigm to Paradigm Shift: The Military and Operations Other Than War, Clemson G. Turregano and Ricky Lynn Waddell
From the Editor, Amanda M. Brian
From the Editor, Amanda M. Brian
From the Editor, Amanda M. Brian
From the Editors, Keaghan Turner and Clayton Whitesides
From the Editors, Keaghan Turner and Kevin McWilliams
From the Editors, Keaghan Turner and Clayton Whitesides
From the Editors, Scott Pleasant, Amanda M. Brian, and Keira Williams
Further Tests of Legislators Paying to Deviate from Constituent Interests, Noel D. Campbell, Edward J. Lopez, and Tammy M. Rogers
Gatekeepers of a Changing Culture: The General Assembly of South Carolina, Charles W. Dunn
Gender and Fathers: The Rejection of Spiritual Fathers in Machiavelli's Castruccio Castracani of Lucca, Andrea Ciliotta-Rubery
Gender and Military Service, Erin Owens
Gender Discrimination in a State Bureaucracy: The Perceptions of Texas Public Administrators, Jeanie R. Stanley
Gender, Party, and Political Ideology: The Case of Mid-Elite Party Activists in Florida, Anne E. Kelley, William E. Hulbary, and Lewis Bowman
George H. W. Bush and the Semi-Institutional Vice Presidency, Jack Lechelt
George Orwell's Socialism: The Good Society, Valerie J. Simms
Glucose Oxidase and Prussian Blue Nanoparticles Encapsulated within a Xerogel for Electrochemical Detection of Glucose, Daniel Baker
Government Affairs Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Government Affairs Committee Agenda, May 8, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Government Affairs Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Grassroots Politics in South Carolina: A Comparative Analysis of Democratic and Republican County Chairmen, William V. Moore
Growth Imperative, Postmaterialism and Local Decision-Makers, Baodong Liu and James Vanderleeuw
Gubernatorial Agenda Setting and Divided Government in the South, Laura van Assendelft
Gullah Geechee Cultural Conservation Project, Eric Crawford, Alli Crandell, Sue Bergeron, and Scott Bacon
Gullah Geechee Cultural Conservation Project, Eric Crawford, Alli Crandell, Sue Bergeron, and Scott Bacon
Gullah's Trabbels, Khadija Kamara
Gullah's Trabbels, Khadija Kamara
Hard and Soft "New Media" Effects on Presidential Candidate Name Recall: A Case Study, Jody Baumgartner and Jonathan S. Morris
Harmonizing Competing Ethnonationalisms?: A Bill of Rights for a New South Africa, Lynn Berat
Health and Stress During International Crisis: Neglected Input Variables in the Foreign Policy Decision-Making Process, Thomas C. Wiegele
Historical Eras in Choosing the Nation's Civil Rights Enforcer, Maurice T. Cunningham
Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s, Jumanne Ngohengo
Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s, Jumanne Ngohengo
Home Rule: A New Style for South Carolina: Constitutional Aspects, Robert McFadden
Honoré de Balzac’s portrayal of the feminine condition in The Wild Ass’s Skin, Père Goriot, and The Lily of the Valley, Brooke V. Musmeci
How Prisoner Reentry Programs Influence Reentering Citizens’ Trust in Government, LaTasha Chaffin DeHaan, Kendra Stewart, and Danielle Bloom
Human Excellence and the Body Politic: Socratic Education as Reliever of the Tension, William B. Cody
Human Nature in Liberal and Participatory Democratic Theory: The Search for Personal Competence, Kay Monaghan Knickrehm
Identity, Community, and Nikki S. Lee, Haley Yarborough
Identity Crafting: Reading the Agency and Art Implicit in Selfies, Margaret Nichols
"If Elected, I [Still] Promise": American Party Platforms -- 1980-2008, Lee W. Payne
I Hate What I'm Hearing: Exposure to Political Discussion and Partisan Dislike, Stacy G. Ulbig
Illusory Perspectives: Edward Weston, Jeremy Razook
Images of Female and Male Elected Officials: The Effect of Gender and Other Respondent Characteristics, Janet K. Boles
Immigration Restrictions of the Progressive Era: Determinants of Senate Roll Call Votes, Francine S. Romero and David W. Romero
Implementing 360-Degree Videos in Luxury Hotels to Enhance the Guest Experience, Mikayla A. Ruiz
INDEX, Volumes 15 to 27 (1987-1997), INDEX: Volumes 15 to 27 (1987-1997)
Indigenous Ontologies: Gullah Geechee Autonomy in Livelihoods of Abundance in the Americas, Sharon Fuller
Indigenous Ontologies: Gullah Geechee Autonomy in Livelihoods of Abundance in the Americas, Sharon Fuller
Informal Social Networking and Community Involvement: Participation in Neighborhood Crime Watches in Japan, Sean Richey
Informational and Normative Influences in Youth Sport, Hannah Von Zup
Information Flow, Grassroots Enthusiasm, and Candidate Standing in the 2012 Republican Nomination Contest, Adam J. Schiffer
Interest Groups in South Carolina, William Desoto
Intergovernmental Relations in South Carolina, Glen T. Broach
Interparty Competition and Redistribution: Theme and Variation, Brian R. Fry
Interpreting the Environment-Policy Linkage: The Case of Welfare Spending in South Carolina, Brian R. Fry and John F. Sacco
Introduction, Harold E. Albert
Introduction, Olof Ruin
Introduction, Mark Delancey, Don Gordon, and Jack Parson
Introduction: Does the Constitution Govern?, William F. Connelly Jr. and William Lasser
Introduction: Governments-In-Exile In World Politics, Yossi Shain
Introduction: Religion in American Politics, Charles W. Dunn
Introduction: Terrorism and the Terrors of Definition, Norman W. Provizer
Introduction: The Ethnic Nationalist Dimension in International Relations, Martin Slann
Introduction: Women in American Politics, Lois Lovelace Duke
Investigating Volatility Trends of Silver through an Analysis of Stock Options Prices, Dylan Houston
Is anyone home? Year Round Site Fidelity vs. Temporal Territories in Estuarine Blennies, Nicholas Govostes
Issue Advocacy Groups and Money in the South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary, William V. Moore and Danielle Vinson
James F. Byrnes' Yalta Rhetoric, Bernard Duffy
Juba-Sanctuary, Scott Alves Barton
Juba-Sanctuary, Scott Alves Barton
Judicial Selection in Texas: A Study of General Election Outcomes: 1988-2004, Billy Monroe
Keeping the Outsiders Out: Civil Rights, the "Non-Issue" of the 1992 Presidential Election, Mark Stern
Killing the Messenger: An Experimental Analysis of the Hostile Media Effect, Jeanette Morehouse Mendez
Kinesthetic Aftereffects and Anticipation Timing of a Weighted Bat Warm-up in Softball Players, KYLEE L. HILL
Latent Classes Within the American Electorate: A Reinterpretation of the Pew Center Typology, Solon Simmons and James R. Simmons
Lattice Paths in Diagonals and Dimensions, Freya Bennett
"Learning to Govern": The Texas Experience, Tiffany Barnes and Timothy J. O'Neill
Lecture on Home Rule Act of 1975: Legal Aspects, Joseph Earle
Legal Aspects of Home Rule, Anthony Harris
Legal Aspects of Home Rule, Jean Toal
Legal Aspects of Home Rule in South Carolina, James Moss
Legislative Ambition, Resources, and Lobbyist Influence in U.S. State Legislatures, Joshua Ozymy and Denis Rey
Legislative Representation in the USSR, David Dresher
Leisure, Technology, and the Human Good: A Note on the Human Roots of Political Reform, Peter Augustine Lawler
Length of Service as an Influence on Federal Bureaucracit Attitudes and Behavior, Gerard S. Gryski and Allen R. DeCotiis
Letters to the Editor and Newspaper Blogs as Reflections of Public Opinion: A Confederate Flag Flap in South Carolina, Robert E. Botsch and Carol S. Botsch
Local Government Under Act No. 283 of the South Carolina General Assembly, Approved June 25, 1975: Home Rule, G. P. Callison
Louisiana Delegates and Legislatures: A Research Note, June Savoy and Donn M. Kurtz II
"Machevil" and Machiavellianism in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta, Damien K. Picariello
Machiavelli and the Role of Fortune in Emanuele Crialese's The Golden Door, Andrea Ciliotta-Rubery
Madeleine Albright, Gender, and Foreign Policy-Making, Kevin J. Lasher
Making Invisible Stories Visible: Mitchelville Augmented Reality Tour Project, Chris Maraffi
Making Invisible Stories Visible: Mitchelville Augmented Reality Tour Project, Chris Maraffi
Making Peace with the Stories You Fail to Get, Althea Natalga Sumpter
Making Peace with the Stories You Fail to Get, Althea Natalga Sumpter
Making "The First Branch" First: A Radical Structural Proposal, Marcia Whicker Taylor, Daniel R. Sabia Jr., and Aldred Mauet
Mandation of Two Police Officers per Patrol Unit and the Impact of Diversity, Jolito Rivera
Mao Tse-tung's Revolution Continues?, Hewitt D. Adams
Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution: In Theory and Impact, Marissa Bryan
Marketing the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor: Is There a Better Way?
Marketing the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor: Is There a Better Way?
Media Strategies Used by Junior Members of Congress, Karen M. Kedrowski
Methodological Issues in Writing a Political Biography, Terrell Carver
Metropolitan Delegations in the U. S. House of Representatives, Michael A. Baer and Burton M. Atkins
Microfiber concentrations in sand from nesting sea turtle beaches in Costa Rica, South Carolina, and Florida., Kaylin LeRoy and George Boneillo
Midterm Elections Used to Gauge President's Reelection Chances, Desmond D. Wallace
MNC-LDC Investment: A Risk-Benefit Analysis, Joseph L. Arbena
Mobility among South Carolina Coastal Lawmakers during Reconstruction, Alison McLetchie
Mobility among South Carolina Coastal Lawmakers during Reconstruction, Alison McLetchie
Moral Pluralism and Conflict, Jason Ferrell
Moral Prerequisites of Political Support: Business Reactions to the Watergate Scandal, Janet M. Clark
More on the Effects of Divisive Primaries, John C. Comer
Moving From the Outside In? Ross Perot and Anti-Incumbency in the 1992 Congressional Races, Timothy S. Prinz
Multimessenger Astronomy: Modeling Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiations from a Stellar Binary System, Kevin Kern
Namibia: The Road To Independence And The Problem Of Succession Of States, Lynn Berat
Narrative Analysis and Political Autobiography, Matti Hyvarinen
National and Other Group Identifications in North Carolina and U. S. National Samples of College and University Students, Keith S. Petersen
Neighborhood Racial Transition and the Structuring of Service Evaluations, Roger Durand
Norway's Prison System: Investigating Recidivism and Reintegration, Meagan Denny
On the Declining Significance of Race: The Case of Black Voter Turnout, Maurice Mangum
On the Ethical Basis of Bureaucratic Action: Democracy, Rationalization, and Communicative Competence, Steven D. Ealy
"Oonuh Weary Ones Come on Home and Rest", Dorothy Montgomery
"Oonuh Weary Ones Come on Home and Rest", Dorothy Montgomery
Oppressive Gender Roles in Crime Novels, Alexis Hardee
Palmetto State Primaries: An Examination of South Carolina's Nomination Contests, James S. Craven, Jordan M. Ragusa, and John-Anthony G. Thevos
Parliamentary Scrutiny of European Community Legislation, John L. Carmichael Jr.
Particular Policies and Public Education: A Research Opportunity, Ruth S. Jones
Partisan Attachment and Conspiracist Predispositions, Robert Stephen Earnest
Partisan Realignment and Decomposition: The Virginia Case, Kay Monaghan Knickrehm, B. Douglas Skelley, and Devin C. Bent
Partisan Realignment and Electoral Arrangement in Britain: The MacDonald-Gladstone Pact of 1903, Hugh W. Stephens
Peacekeeping From a Realist Viewpoint: Nigeria and the OAU Operation in CHAD, Terry M. Mays
Perception, Action and Reaction: A Comparative Analysis of Decision-Making Processes in Bilateral Conflicts, Abraham Ben-Zvi
Personifying Poitics and Politicizing Persons, Kari Paakkunainen and Tauno Saarela
Perspectives of Students at Estonian Universities on Post-Soviet Estonia's Independence and Democracy, Raivo Vetik and J. David Gillespie
Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Various Types of Exercise, Jenna Thompson
Players or Playing Cards?: The Palestinians and the Gulf Crisis, Yossi Shain and Reuben Aharoni
Policy Analysis: A Review and a Suggestion, Arie Halachmi
Policy Responsiveness in the American States With Respect to LEAA Block Grants, Edward J. Clynch and William R. Shaffer
Political Attitudes Among South Carolina Christian School Educators, Glen T. Broach
Political Biography in the Black African Context, John A. Wiseman
Political Leadership, Mobilization and the People's Republic of China, H. G. Peter Wallach
Political Participation Among Prisoners, Donald E. Whistler
Political Perspectives of White and Black Adolescents: Reality and Alienation, Samuel Long
Political Respect Among Female and Male State Legislators, Mark C. Ellickson and Donald E. Whistler
Politics as Usual? Perceptions of Political Incivility in the United States and United Kingdom, Kylee J. Britzman and Benjamin R. Kantack
Politics, Science and Public Policy: An Essay on the Use and Abuse of Behavioral Theory, Joseph P. Viteritti
Postindustrialization and Congressional Change: An Exploratory Mapping, Paul Lenchner
Potential arm preference within starfish species including Asterias vulgaris and Luidia clathrata: A study and summary, Rebecca Jones and Young Robert
Predation Effects on Mid-marsh Ribbed Mussel Mortality, Cluster Size, and Facilitation of Cordgrass Growth, Colten Winter and Keith Walters
Preface, J. David Woodard
Preliminary Study of Kleptoplasty in Foraminifera of South Carolina, Shawnee Lechliter
Presidential Leadership of Television and Newspaper Coverage Through Press Conferences, Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha
Presidential Prediction of Supreme Court Justices' Behavior, Roger Handberg
President Mitterand and the French Political System, Alistair Cole
Professionalization of State Legislative Campaigns in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia: Evidence from the 2000 Election Cycle, Jonathan Smith
Professionals in Bureaucracies: Causes and Consequences, Robert L. Kline
Progression Magazine, 2019 Fall/Winter, Coastal Carolina University
Progression Magazine, 2020 Spring/Summer, Coastal Carolina University
Project Independence: Formulation, Change, and Fragmentation, Susan G. Levy
Promising Freedom at the Edge of an Empire, Grace Turner
Promising Freedom at the Edge of an Empire, Grace Turner
Protection of Witnesses Before Congressional Committees, John L. Carmichael Jr.
Psychobiography and Charisma, Ron Van Dooren
Psychophysiological Arousal as a Predictor of Student Protest, Steven A. Peterson
Public Advocacy and Organized Interests: The Direct Democracy Connection, Robert Alexander
Quadhafi's Libyan Quest, Bernard Schechterman
Racial Gerrymandering and Republican Gains in Southern House Elections, Donald Beachler
Rationality and Voting, Richard Hartwig
Rawls, Nozick, and the De-Politicizing of Political Theory, Robert B. Thigpen and Lyle A. Downing
Reading by Colin Grant and Aminatta Forna, Aminatta Forna and Colin Grant
Reading by Colin Grant and Aminatta Forna, Aminatta Forna and Colin Grant
Reception, Freewood Farms
Reception, Freewood Farms
Reclaiming the Banjo, Justin Robinson and Jerrone Paxton
Reclaiming the Banjo, Justin Robinson and Jerrone Paxton
Reconciling Divergent Rights: New York's Proposed Police and Public Protection Act, Christopher J. Morse
Reconsidering the Status of Federalist 10, J. Christopher Paskewich
Reconstruction in the Gullah/Geechee, Debra D. Coulter
Reconstruction in the Gullah/Geechee, Debra D. Coulter
Reflections of a Geechee Woman's Southern Journey, Sandra Allen Lesibu
Reflections of a Geechee Woman's Southern Journey, Sandra Allen Lesibu
Reforming Alabama's Constitution, Angela K. Lewis and George Munchus
Regional Convergence and Regional Policy in the European Union, Carol M. Glen
Religion and the Escape from Liberal Individualism, Robert Booth Fowler
Religion, The Constitution, and Modern Rivals: Our Founders and Theirs, William R. Marty
Religious Liberty and Creative Breakthroughs in American Politics: Roger Williams and James Madison, Neal Riemer
Remixing Business Models: Technology and the Future of the Modern Music Industry, Ryan Brown
Reorganizing Local Government: The Hilton Head Island, S. C. Experience, J. Allen Singleton
Republicanism in Georgia: A Contemporary Perspective, Robert K. Whelan and Michael W. McKinney
Requirements for Constitutional Instruction in South Carolina, Melford Wilson Jr.
Research and Write at the Library, Amy F. Fyn, Allison Faix, and Scott Pleasant
Research Note: Interest Groups and the Intergovernmental Implementation of Environmental Policy in Canada and the United States, David R. Shock
Reterritorialization or Deterritorialization? Israel's Gaza Withdrawal, Matt Evans
Rethinking Atomic Diplomacy and the Origins of the Cold War, Gregory Paul Domin
Rethinking Globalization: Edouard Glissant's Tout-Monde as a Diasporic Call towards Imaginary Wholelands, Mamadou Moustapha Ly
Rethinking Globalization: Edouard Glissant's Tout-Monde as a Diasporic Call towards Imaginary Wholelands, Mamadou Moustapha Ly
Return to Rhetoric: A Case for Co-operative Discussion, M. Susan Power
Review Essay: The Past as the Source of Authority in Constitutional Interpretation, Sue Davis
Revisiting the Role of Information Format in Candidate Evaluation: An "Update" Model of Evaluation, Scott H. Huffmon
Revolutionary Change in Local Governance: Revisiting the Rosenbaum and Kammerer Theory of Successful City-County Consolidation, Linda S. Johnson and Richard C. Feiock
Revolution, Culture and Collective Action, Gregory Rose
Rewinding Rwanda: What If?, Eric Patterson
Rhetoric in the Mass Media: Terrorism or Freedom of Speech?, Carolyn Rhoades
Russian Intervention and the Commonwealth of Independent States, Daniel McIntosh
Says Who?: Case Participants and Legal Doctrine in the U.S. Supreme Court, Claire B. Wofford
Should the United States Collect Intelligence on its Close Allies?, Shannon Brophy
Singular Value Decomposition, Krystal Bonaccorso and Andrew Incognito
Social Influences on Constitutional Law, Louis Fisher
Social Media and Negative Aspects of Well-Being: Does FOMO Play a Role?, Casey J. McAndrew
Social Movement Adaptation: The Case of the Christian Right and Stem Cell Research, Kathryn Lindsay Oates
Some Effects of Ideology and Threat Upon the Size of Opinion Coalitions on the United States Supreme Court, Saul Brenner and Theodore S. Arrington
South Carolina's Judicial System: Reform in a Traditionalistic Setting, Steven W. Hays
Southern Politics in Transition, William V. Moore
Specters of Nature; or, From Metaphor to Murder: The Nonhuman-animal in Rash's Serena, Pat Siebel
"Splitting the Baby": Media Constructions of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, Augustus Jones, Michelle D. Deardorff, and Michelle G. Briscoe
Spring Commencement Program, May 10, 1997, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 10, 2003, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 10, 2008, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 10, 2014, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 11, 2002, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 11, 2013, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 2020 (Virtual), Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 4, 1996, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 4, 2018, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 5, 2001, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 5, 2007, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 5, 2012, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 5, 2017, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 6, 1995, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 6, 2000, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 6, 2006, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 7, 1994, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 7, 2005, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 7, 2011, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 7, 2016, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 8, 1999, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 8, 2004, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 8, 2010, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 8-9, 2015, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 9, 1998, Coastal Carolina University
Spring Commencement Program, May 9, 2009, Coastal Carolina University
Starting Four Businesses My Last Semester of College, Dimitri J. Bramwell
Stateless Contenders and The Global Mythology, Yossi Shain
State Party Competition Reconsidered, Gerard S. Gryski
State Party Competition Reconsidered, Gerard Gryski
Strategic Entry and Congressional Behavior: Primary Challenges to House Incumbents, Nicholas Pyeatt
Strategic Lobbying: The Nature of Legislator/Lobbyist Relations, Adam J. Newmark
Strategy Choices in Electoral Competition, Gideon Doron and Uri On
Strict Neutrality: The Next Step in First Amendment Interpretation, Paul J. Weber
Structured and Unstructured Movement in Elementary School Classrooms: Effects on Student Performance, Savannah E. Watson
Student Affairs and Retention Committee Agenda, August 6, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Student Affairs and Retention Committee Agenda, February 20, 2020, Coastal Carolina University
Student Affairs and Retention Committee, October 10, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Suburban State Legislators and School Finance, Keith A. Boeckelman
Subversive Cartography of the Lowcountry, Judith L. Strathearn
Subversive Cartography of the Lowcountry, Judith L. Strathearn
Suicide in South Carolina, Friedrich V. Wenz
Summer Commencement Program, August 10, 2013, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 3, 2018, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 4, 2017, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 5, 2016, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 7 2020 (Virtual), Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 8, 2015, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 9, 2014, Coastal Carolina University
Summer Commencement Program, August 9, 2019, Coastal Carolina University
Sustainable Energy in the Galapagos, Sean Dove
Sycorax as subject & agent, Sara Rich
Tales of, and Revelations from Material Culture and Vernacular Arts as Tools of Resistance, Anne Bouie
Tales of, and Revelations from Material Culture and Vernacular Arts as Tools of Resistance, Anne Bouie
Teaching Islamic and Middle East Politics, Joe Dunn
Teaching Political Parties in American Colleges and Universities: A Survey, Henry C. Kenski
Teaching Political Scientists: Their Background and Politics, Charles D. Hadley
Technology, News and National Security: The Media's Increasing Capability to Cover War, Richard Davis
Temporal transport dynamics of the Amazon River Plume revealed using radium isotope analysis, Elana J. Ames
Terrorism and the Role of Security Strategies, Joseph R. Goldman
Terrorism as Rhetoric: An Argument of Values, Richard Leeman
Testing the Hard Case: The Psychological Roots of Reactive Devaluation and the Iranian Nuclear Deal, Matt Millard and Chase Porter
Testing the Potential of Environmental DNA: Genetic Monitoring of Estuarine and Coastal Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Stocks in South Carolina, Kathryn Greiner-Ferris
Test Using Sedimentary Records to Quantify Extreme Paleo-flood: A Case Study of an Oxbow Lake in South Carolina, Molly Aeschliman
Texas Judicial Elections: A Quantitative Analysis, Billy Monoe, Nathan Mitchell, and Lee Payne
Thatcherism and Reagonomics: Supply-Side Economic Policy in Great Britain and the United States, Charles Redenius
The 1992 Elections in Virginia: A Status Quo State in the Year of Change, Larry J. Sabato
The 2000 S.C. Lottery Vote: Shadows of the Past and Projection of the Future, Robert E. Botsch and Carol S. Botsch
The 2002 South Carolina Democratic Coordinated Campaign: Canvassing and the African-American Constituency, Anna Abigail Walters Bengel and Christopher Lamb
The Adoption of State Economic Development Programs: An Event History Analysis, Greg Cable and Richard C. Feiock
The Atheneum: The Faculty & Staff Newsletter of Coastal Carolina University, Coastal Carolina University
The Boys Down There: South Carolina and Thurgood Marshall's Appointment to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, James O. Heath
The Challenges of Security Council Reform, Carol M. Glen
The Christian Democratic Union/Christian Socialist Union in Opposition: From Elitism to Pluralism, Jack D. Dowell
The City and the Country in the American Tradition, James W. Ceaser
The Clean Air Act and Its Impact on Ground Level Ozone Pollution Levels in Los Angeles, California, Rebecca Ford
The Clean Air Act and Its Impact on Ground Level Ozone Pollution Levels in Los Angeles, California, Rebecca G. Ford
The Cognitive Structure of Public Attitudes toward Government Policy in Iran, Cale Horne
The Constitutional Aspects of Home Rule, Henry Floyd
The Constitutional Faith of Mr. Justice Black, Tinsley E. Yarbrough
The Constitution Under Pressure: The Amendment Process, Marcia Lynn Whicker, Ruth Ann Strickland, and Raymond A. Moore
The Determinants of Public Sector Fiscal Variations Among Nations, Kim Quaile Hill and George E. Antunes
The Development of Coastal South Carolina 1760-1840, Alexander B. Williams
The Development of Coastal South Carolina 1840-1895, Francis Michael Dorsey
The Development of Coastal South Carolina 1895-1976, Samuel Stearns Taylor
The Development of Coastal South Carolina from the Beginning to 1763, L. Michael Opalko
The Development of Political Belief Systems: A Multidimensional Comparison of Leaders and Non-Leaders, Robert P. Steed and Milton L. Boykin
The Disruption of a Solidly Democratic State: Civil Rights and South Carolina Electoral Change, 1948-1972, Alec Peter Lamis
The Dynamics of Tension: Normative Dimensions of Religion and Politics, Clarke E. Cochran
The Ecological Perspective in U. S. Foreign Policy, Edward A. Olsen
The Effect of Political Advertising on Voter Participation in Judicial Campaigns, 2000 - 04, Frederick S. Wood and Jeremy F. Duff
The Effect of Radium Partitioning on Hydrothermal Fluid Flow Determination across Guaymas Basin, Charlotte R. Kollman
The Effect of Variation of Ballot Form on the Vote, Richard J. Trilling and Mark Erickson
The Effects of Military Budget on American Perception, Charlie Hollis Whittington
The Effects of Professional and Citizen Legislative Structure on Women and Men Legislators, Donald E. Whistler and Mark C. Ellickson
The Effects of Vaccinations on Public Health, Caitlin Reveal
The Electoral College: The Federal Bias, Carleton W. Sterling
The Emerging Socio-Economic Cleavage of Mississippi Republicanism, Raymond Tatalovich
The Ethical Ground on Which We Stand: Francis Lieber on Free Speech, Liberty, and Community, Barry Sharpe
The Evolution of Gullah Geechee: From Turner 1949 to the Children who Speak Gullah Geechee, Jessica R. Berry
The Evolution of Gullah Geechee: From Turner 1949 to the Children who Speak Gullah Geechee, Jessica R. Berry
The Evolving South Carolina Constitution, Cole Blease Graham Jr.
The Executive Orders of Recent South Carolina Governors, Howard M. Federspiel
The External Sources of Kenya's Democratization Process, Phillip O. Nying'uro
The Federalist and Human Nature, Danny M. Adkison
The First Amendment: A Comparison of Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Supreme Court Interpretations, Norman De Jong
The Fiscal Implications of Home Rule for Local Governments in South Carolina, Douglas Watson
The Framing of the EU Constitution: An American Constitutional Perspective, Timothy S. Boylan
The Gender Gap Concelaed and Revealed: 1936-1984, Emily Stoper
The Generational Gap in Presidential Approval for Donald Trump, Patrick Fisher
The Globalization of Human Rights in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Sadara Shine
The Globalization of Spartanburg: A Story of Local Leaders and State Supporters, Samuel Lucas McMillan
The Green Rush, Alexis N. Stein
The Handmaid's Tale and The Birth Dearth: Prophecy, Prescription and Public Policy, Diane D. Blair
The Home Court Advantage: Circuit Effects, Social Identity and Supreme Court Decision Making, Bethany Blackstone
The Home Rule Act: Fiscal Aspects, Raymond Urquhart
The Impact of Democratic Party Reform on the South, Robert B. Denhardt and Jay E. Hakes
The Impact of Political Socialization on Women and Men State Legislators' Political Party Identification, Donald E. Whistler and Mark C. Ellickson
The Impact of Political Socialization Upon Partisan Identification: An Assessment, Christopher C. Joyner
The Impact of Racial Fear on Attitudes Toward Gun Control, Emily Ready
The Impact of the Military on the Physical Quality of Life in Latin American Nations, Michael G. Fullington
The Implication of US GAAP and IFRS Convergence on American Business, Austin Willmore
The Income Gap in the 2008 Presidential Election, Patrick Fisher
The Influence of Cultural Values on Economic Growth: An Expanded Empirical Investigation, Martin S. Edwards and Dennis Patterson
The Influence of Ubiquitin-Related Modifier Protein URM1 on Prion Formation, Jacob Beaver
The Intellectual and Foreign Affairs: The Experience of Walter Lippmann, Louis F. Buttino
The Intellectual Elite of the Christian Right, Kevin L. Clauson
The International Implications of Freedom of Artistic Expression in Senegal, Tracy D. Snipe
The Justice of Rawls' Original Position, Steven D. Ealy
The Khmer Way Of Exile: Lessons From Three Indochinese Wars, Craig Etcheson
The Kurds, Charles G. MacDonald
The Limits of the "Secular Humanist" Interpretation Of the Constitution, Peter Augustine Lawler
The Maleness of the American Presidency, Marcia Lynn Whicker and Todd W. Areson
The Media and Politics: A Content Analysis of the Louisville Courier-Journal During The 1992 Presidential Election, Clifford L. Staten and G. Sam Sloss
The Miskito Nation and the Geopolitics of Self-Determination, Bernard Nietschmann
The Myth as a Theory of Human Action: Perspectives from Plato and Sorel, Stuart C. Gilman
The Occupational Status of State Legislators: A Research Note, Charles W. Dunn
The Origins of Socially and Politically Hostile Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Outgroups: Economics, Ideology, or National Context?, Gregory D. Saxton and Michelle A. Benson
The Other Lessons of the Democratic Charter Commission, William P. Kreml
The Perception of Parliament and Political Parties in Quebec: An Ethnic Dimension, John P. Richert
The Pit Bull's Discourse: An Examination of Discursive Construction, Karen Jennings
The Policy-Maps of Urban Decision Makers: Attitudes Toward Long-Range Planning, James C. Coomer and Kim Quaile Hill
The Political Biography as a Vehicle for the Political Scientist: Dr. H.M. Hirschfeld and the Dutch National Interest, 1931-1952, John Rhijnsburger
The Political Culture Gap: Daniel Elazar's Subculture in Contemporary American Politics, Patrick Fisher
The Politics of Revised Article VIII: Who Will Govern - and How?, Horace W. Fleming Jr.
The Quasi-Experiment as a Tool for the Study of Public Law, Steve Steinert
The Race for the Presidency: Coverage of Elections on Evening Television News Shows - 1972-1992, J. David Woodard
The Ratification of the EU Constitution: An American Perspective on Why it Failed, Timothy S. Boylan
The Rational Terrorist: Toward a New Theory of Terrorism, Robert Maranto
The Re-imposition of Orthodoxy in Czechoslovakia, Stephen Bowers
The Relationship of Religious Belief and Student Attitudes Toward Civil Liberties, John H. George
The Salience of Religion as a Social Background Variable in Congressional Voting, Raymond Tatalovich and Byron W. Daynes
The Shadow of the Leopard: Understanding Ekpe/Mgbe and Nsibidi, Kevin J. Hales
The Shadow of the Leopard: Understanding Ekpe/Mgbe and Nsibidi, Kevin J. Hales
The Socio-Economic Correlates of Party Reform, Leonard G. Ritt
The South Carolina Constitution of 1895: An Introduction, William V. Moore
The Spiral Model of Policymaking, Arie Halachmi
The Strategic Effects of South Asian Nuclear Proliferation, Gregory Paul Domin
The Transcendental Irish Republic, The Dream Of Diaspora, J. Bowyer Bell
The Transformation of Gubernatorial Power and Privilege in South Carolina, Fred L. Carter
The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe: Stalled Ratification and the Difficulty of the European Union in Connecting to its Citizens, Eileen Kirley-Tallon
The United Nations and the Challenge of the Post-Cold War World, Donald J. Puchala
Tibetan Ethnonationalism and International Politics, June Teufel Dreyer
Title IX Compliance: A Comparison of Coastal Carolina University to Other Regional Universities, Bailey Devon Howard
Tocqueville's Typology and the Causes of the Cuban Revolution, Raymond Rimkus
Toggling the Switches, Zach Thomas
Toten' Brookgreen Plantation Back Home to Africa, Veronica Gerald and Deon K. Turner
Toten' Brookgreen Plantation Back Home to Africa, Veronica Gerald and Deon K. Turner
Tracing Cultures of Resistance to Slavery in the Atlantic Diaspora: Extrapolations from Enslaved Igbo Experience, Nnamdi C. Ajaebili
Tracing Cultures of Resistance to Slavery in the Atlantic Diaspora: Extrapolations from Enslaved Igbo Experience, Nnamdi C. Ajaebili
Transcending Nationalities: Shirley Graham Du Bois and the Making of a New African Personality in Ghana, Emmanuella Amoh
Transcending Nationalities: Shirley Graham Du Bois and the Making of a New African Personality in Ghana, Emmanuella Amoh
Transforming Liberal Politics: Lessons from the Southeastern North Carolina Native Americans' Struggle for Recognition, Robert E. Stein
Trends and Problems in the Study of Political Development, William D. Taylor
Trust and Approval in the American Political System: Federalism, Separation of Institutions, and Partisanship, Joseph Gershtenson and Dennis L. Plane
Two Basic Conceptions of the International Political System, Bernard Schechterman
Tyranny Plagued the French Revolution, Christy Leigh Salinari
Uncivil Challenges? Support for Civil Liberties Among Religious Activists, John C. Green, James L. Guth, Lyman A. Kellstedt, and Corwin E. Smidt
Under My Thumb: National Control of State Interest Group Affiliates and its Policy Implications, Dana Patton and Sara Zeigler
UN-REDD and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative as Global Environmental Governance Mechanisms, Dominique de Wit
Untangling the Mystery of Alvin Greene, Charles S. Bullock III and Scott Buchanan
Urban and Rural Differences in Southern Children's Attitudes Toward the President of the U. S. Government, Thomas J. Williams
Use of Co-Immunoprecipitations and 2D Gel Electrophoresis to Identify Protein-Protein Interactions of Maturase K, Lauren Angello
Using foraminifera to identify overwash deposits in St Vincent Island, Florida in the wake of Hurricane Michael, Kayla Washington
U.S. - Nigeria Relations in Historical Perspective, Elizabeth L. Normandy
Value Assumptions Underlying Evaluation Research, Thomas J. Cook and Frank P. Sciolli Jr.
Variation Within?: Exploring Intra-Congregational Differences in a Black Political Church, Caroline M. Nordlund, Paul A. Djupe, and Michael Leo Owens
Vice-President Stevenson and the Politics of Accommodation, Leonard Schlup
Voodoo in the News: New Orleans, 1804-1857, Susan Kwosek
Voodoo in the News: New Orleans, 1804-1857, Susan Kwosek
Was TV Election News Better This Time?: A Content Analysis of 1988 and 1992 Campaign Coverage, Richard E. Noyes, S. Robert Lichter, and Daniel R. Amundson
Water Policy Decision-Making and Implementation in the Johnson Administration, Henry B. Sirgo
What's Evil in Iraq?, Joyce N. Wiley
When Judicial Agreement Seems Impossible: Warren Burger, David Bazelon, and the D.C. Court of Appeals, Charles W. Lamb
Where do They Stand? Gender Differences in the Attitudes of South Carolina Elected Officials, Liza Kuecker and Judith A. Harris
Who Makes it Easy? Courting Journalists Through Congressional Web Sites, Daniel Lipinski, Gregory Neddenriep, and Karen M. Kedrowski
Who Rules in Local Communities: Reputation, Decision-Making, Leadership, and Community Power Revisited, Mitchell F. Rice
Who's Allowed to Ride the Short Bus? Un-Defining Disability, Hannah Widdifield
Whose Development? Theories of Development and the Concept of Agency, Sarah Combellick-Bidney
Women as Outsiders: A Growing Diversity in Public Opinion, Cal Clark and Janet Clark
Women in South Carolina Politics, Lynne E. Ford
Women on Southern City Councils: A Decade of Change, Susan A. Macmanus and Charles S. Bullock III
Women Viewed Within Three Western Party Systems: An Analysis of a Political Minority Group, G. Lane Van Tassell
Word, Spirit, and Power: Women and Prophetic Authority in the Early Church, Mitchell Locklear
Writing Rights: Factors Influencing the Strength of Rights Clauses in Post-Communist Constitutions, Ryan Kennedy and John Ishiyama
Wyoming Women's Attitudes Toward the MX: The "Old" v. "New" Gender Gap, Janet Clark and Cal Clark
Your Voice is My Sound: Audio Recording Technology, Identity and Re-Creating the Gullah/Geechee Diaspora, Anthony Luis Sanchez Cruz
Your Voice is My Sound: Audio Recording Technology, Identity and Re-Creating the Gullah/Geechee Diaspora, Anthony Luis Sanchez Cruz