CCU Digital Commons - International Gullah Geechee and African Diaspora Conference: "Oonuh Weary Ones Come on Home and Rest"

"Oonuh Weary Ones Come on Home and Rest"

Presenter Information

Dorothy Montgomery

Event Type



EHFA 137

Start Date

5-3-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

5-3-2020 10:20 AM


Dorothy Montgomery uses quilts to remind, inform, and illustrate the Gullah people, their history, and the legacy that they have sown. This presentation tackles questions such as: Who are the Gullah people? What language do the Gullah speak? Where do the Gullah people live? How did their music originate? And more.


Theme: The Arts: Music/Theater Gullah Gechee Diaspora; Moderator: Scott Bacon, Coastal Carolina University

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Mar 5th, 9:00 AM Mar 5th, 10:20 AM

"Oonuh Weary Ones Come on Home and Rest"

EHFA 137

Dorothy Montgomery uses quilts to remind, inform, and illustrate the Gullah people, their history, and the legacy that they have sown. This presentation tackles questions such as: Who are the Gullah people? What language do the Gullah speak? Where do the Gullah people live? How did their music originate? And more.