Date of Award

Summer 7-27-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Communication, Media and Culture


College of Humanities and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Andrea M. Bergstrom


It is widely accepted that participation in youth sport has abundant benefits. These include improving overall fitness, higher self-esteem, and socialization with others. In a 2014 study on those between the ages of six to 18, 27 million reported participating in team sports, and 60 million reported participating in any form of organized athletics within the United States (DiFiore et al.). Sports are an enormous part of American society and a great pastime for viewers and players alike. Most athletes report starting their sport at an early age, and many adults claim some of their best memories are from their days in youth sport. However, growing pressure from parents and coaches, combined with societal messages from the media can negatively impact a child’s enjoyment in youth sport participation. This study is intended to create a conversation about the external factors young athletes are exposed to as they develop on and off the field. Using social influence theory, this study is conducted to explore how influential these factors are.
