CCU Digital Commons - International Gullah Geechee and African Diaspora Conference: The Evolution of Gullah Geechee: From Turner 1949 to the Children who Speak Gullah Geechee

The Evolution of Gullah Geechee: From Turner 1949 to the Children who Speak Gullah Geechee

Event Type



EHFA 136

Start Date

5-3-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

5-3-2020 10:20 AM


Languages change over time leaving remnants of the acrolectal variety that are heard in communities today. So is the case with Gullah Geechee, as the years progress, integration continues and communities are gentrified creating noticeable changes in the Gullah Geechee language. This presentation will explore transcriptions of Gullah Geechee presented in Turner's seminal work with comparisons to contemporary child Gullah Geechee. The session will explore the persistent linguistic features along with features used more infrequently among young children.


Theme: Reconstruction/Making Culture; Moderator: Becky Childs, Coastal Carolina University

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Mar 5th, 9:00 AM Mar 5th, 10:20 AM

The Evolution of Gullah Geechee: From Turner 1949 to the Children who Speak Gullah Geechee

EHFA 136

Languages change over time leaving remnants of the acrolectal variety that are heard in communities today. So is the case with Gullah Geechee, as the years progress, integration continues and communities are gentrified creating noticeable changes in the Gullah Geechee language. This presentation will explore transcriptions of Gullah Geechee presented in Turner's seminal work with comparisons to contemporary child Gullah Geechee. The session will explore the persistent linguistic features along with features used more infrequently among young children.