CCU Digital Commons - International Gullah Geechee and African Diaspora Conference: Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s

Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s

Event Type



EHFA 136

Start Date

5-3-2020 1:45 PM

End Date

5-3-2020 3:15 PM


There are increasing efforts taken by the African government to enhance development in order to tackle rural household poverty by ensuring gender equality in land ownership. Cases of gender inequality in relation to land ownership have been reported and are constraining efforts to overcome household poverty and enhance human security (Mbilinyi, 1997; Gonzales, 2015). Despite gender discrimination, women are economically active in Africa as farmers in most rural households. These women are key to the production process, food, health, and nutrition security as well as the human security aspect of rural household families in Tanzania, the welfare of their families, and the prospects for their children. This proposal calls for a study that will trace gender question in Africa from a historical perspective.


Theme: Gender/Agency/Land; Moderator: Shari Orisich, Coastal Carolina University

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Mar 5th, 1:45 PM Mar 5th, 3:15 PM

Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s

EHFA 136

There are increasing efforts taken by the African government to enhance development in order to tackle rural household poverty by ensuring gender equality in land ownership. Cases of gender inequality in relation to land ownership have been reported and are constraining efforts to overcome household poverty and enhance human security (Mbilinyi, 1997; Gonzales, 2015). Despite gender discrimination, women are economically active in Africa as farmers in most rural households. These women are key to the production process, food, health, and nutrition security as well as the human security aspect of rural household families in Tanzania, the welfare of their families, and the prospects for their children. This proposal calls for a study that will trace gender question in Africa from a historical perspective.