Everyone Wins: Using Games to Meet the Needs of Professors, Students, and Content
Track Choices
Engaging Pedagogy
Though professors may include a game in a class session or two, it is not often that a professor designs a game lasting the entire semester. Two professors will share experiences with semester-long games and speak to the benefits and potential pitfalls. You will learn how to adjust the game components to meet the needs of the your particular teaching style, the needs of your students, and the content you present.
Everyone Wins: Using Games to Meet the Needs of Professors, Students, and Content
Zoom Room 5
Though professors may include a game in a class session or two, it is not often that a professor designs a game lasting the entire semester. Two professors will share experiences with semester-long games and speak to the benefits and potential pitfalls. You will learn how to adjust the game components to meet the needs of the your particular teaching style, the needs of your students, and the content you present.