Call for Proposals | South Carolina Conference on Innovations in Teaching and Learning (SCCITL) | Conferences and Events | Coastal Carolina University

Call for Proposals

Proposal Format

Presentations: You have the choice of a 20-minute or a 45-minute presentation.

  • 20-minute presentations - Presenters will have 20 minutes to share their work. Two presentations will take place in the 50-minute time slot, with a 10-minute Q&A after completing both presentations
  • 45-minute presentations - Presenters will provide a more in-depth presentation with audience engagement allowing for Q&A
  • 75-minute workshop - Hands-on demonstration experience with high levels of engagement for your designed audience
  • Poster presentation - There will be one 50-minute poster session where presenters will create a visual representation of their presentation and be available for engaging discussion and Q&A. (Ideal for graduate students)(poster easels will be provided)


1. Navigating the Change and Reinventing the Future

This track seeks proposals focused on using innovative tools and strategies to develop an educational environment that will support both today’s learners as well as the needs of learners in the changing world.

KEYWORDS: Innovation, Disruption, Alternative Credentials, Badging, Credentialing, Virtual Learning, Virtual Reality, Ed Tech, Instructional Technology

2. Best Practices in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

SCCITL 2023 is focused on providing equitable educational experiences across all disciplines of the higher education landscape. This track seeks proposals where presenters share effective professional development and training programs, case studies demonstrating effective best practices, and other measures of excellence in supporting the teaching and learning paradigms with a DEI lens.

KEYWORDS: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Inclusive Pedagogy, Universal Design, Open Education, Open Learning, Student-Centered Design

3. Education Lag and The Disconnect in Higher Education

This track seeks proposals focused on challenges and solutions in higher education, particularly for students and faculty. Topics may include gaps in learning, underrepresented communities, or recruitment and retention issues. Proposals should provide clear and attainable solutions related to identified challenges.

KEYWORDS: Education Gap, Equity, Access, Social Trendlines, First Generation, STEM, Degree Completion/Retention, Digital Inequity, Digital Natives, Underrepresented Populations

4. Wellness and Trauma-Informed Teaching

This track seeks proposals with a focus on teaching and learning practices that incorporate holistic, wellness, and/or trauma-informed approaches. We are excited to request models of best practice for providing support within the Higher Education community for wellness, mental health allyship, and course design and facilitation strategies effective for participants coping with current and previous trauma.

KEYWORDS: Trauma-Informed Practice, Mental Health, Well-Being, Disability, Accommodation, Pedagogical Design, User-Centered Design, Burnout

5. Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning

This track seeks proposals aligning with the many contemporary and upcoming modalities, pedagogical techniques, instructional technology tools, and the inclusion of all learners and teachers across many unique characteristics.

KEYWORDS: Digital Learning Trends, High Impact Practices, Deep-dive into high-impact tools, Data-driven adoption, Research in Teaching and Learning, Best Practices in Teaching & Learning, Neuroscience, Neurodiversity, Brain-based learning, Metacognition, Mindfulness

Presentation Format:

  • Face-to-face
  • Online/virtual
  • No preference
    • Audience Engagement:

      This area should include how you plan to engage your audience during your presentation. If you submit a 45-minute presentation, you should have a more in-depth explanation of your audience engagement. If you submit for a workshop, describe the hands-on or specific engagements the workshop will include.