CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: City of Conway: Historical African American Churches

City of Conway: Historical African American Churches

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Aneilya Barnes, History



Presentation Abstract

This project centers on the historical African American churches of Conway, South Carolina, allowing the audience to envision the city of Conway during the period the churches were established. These churches provide a story of the community and the people who once attended them. They also played a significant role for a community of people who historically have suffered tremendously. Community preservation and cultural heritage are the key factors in the making of this project, as it will bring attention to the historical areas of Conway, SC that have been historically overlooked. The story behind the churches will consist of where they will be built and the communities they served, because churches were a safe haven for African American people for centuries. This project will use advanced historical research methods, such as oral history, digital tools, and maps. A website to host the project allows easy access to historical information. African American history is oftentimes overlooked, and this project intends to bring forth a new light to the city of Conway, SC to give the locals and visitors a piece of the town’s intriguing history.

Start Date

12-4-2023 2:20 PM

End Date

12-4-2023 2:40 PM



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Apr 12th, 2:20 PM Apr 12th, 2:40 PM

City of Conway: Historical African American Churches

This project centers on the historical African American churches of Conway, South Carolina, allowing the audience to envision the city of Conway during the period the churches were established. These churches provide a story of the community and the people who once attended them. They also played a significant role for a community of people who historically have suffered tremendously. Community preservation and cultural heritage are the key factors in the making of this project, as it will bring attention to the historical areas of Conway, SC that have been historically overlooked. The story behind the churches will consist of where they will be built and the communities they served, because churches were a safe haven for African American people for centuries. This project will use advanced historical research methods, such as oral history, digital tools, and maps. A website to host the project allows easy access to historical information. African American history is oftentimes overlooked, and this project intends to bring forth a new light to the city of Conway, SC to give the locals and visitors a piece of the town’s intriguing history.