Presentation Type
Full Name of Faculty Mentor
Eric Crawford , Music
Second Major
Presentation Abstract
Music therapy is an approach that is effective in treating individuals suffering from a variety of mental illnesses that are genetic or environmental. Some of these mental issues include, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity, clinical depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. In my oral presentation, I will discuss the effectiveness of music therapy in comparison to the use of traditional medication. First, I will discuss the positive and negative effects of standard medicinal approaches on those suffering from anxiety and depression and offer evidence, through several music therapy studies, of effective musical interventions. Second, I will show the results of my survey of the stress levels among Coastal Carolina University music majors. I will compare this data to results from Patrick Donlinic's thesis "How Effective is Music at dealing with Anxiety and Depression?" to determine the inherent ability of music to positively impact mental health.
Virtual Session Room 2
Start Date
21-4-2021 4:30 PM
End Date
21-4-2021 4:50 PM
Recommended Citation
Vogel, Sydney, "Music Therapy and Mental Health" (2021). Undergraduate Research Competition. 6.
Music Therapy and Mental Health
Virtual Session Room 2
Music therapy is an approach that is effective in treating individuals suffering from a variety of mental illnesses that are genetic or environmental. Some of these mental issues include, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity, clinical depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. In my oral presentation, I will discuss the effectiveness of music therapy in comparison to the use of traditional medication. First, I will discuss the positive and negative effects of standard medicinal approaches on those suffering from anxiety and depression and offer evidence, through several music therapy studies, of effective musical interventions. Second, I will show the results of my survey of the stress levels among Coastal Carolina University music majors. I will compare this data to results from Patrick Donlinic's thesis "How Effective is Music at dealing with Anxiety and Depression?" to determine the inherent ability of music to positively impact mental health.