Presentation Type
Full Name of Faculty Mentor
Ganga Sharma, Physics and Engineering Science
Presentation Abstract
The pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) targets acidity at the surfaces of cancer cells and shows utility in a wide range of applications, including tumor imaging and intracellular delivery of therapeutic agents. It transforms from coil to interfacial helix and then inserts into the cell membrane with transmembrane orientation. Experimental, computational, and analytic studies have opened the door to develop a pHLIP technology platform for cancer diagnosis and treatment. This talk will mainly focus on our investigation in the quest to find optimal pHLIP insertion pathway into the membrane.
Virtual Session Room 1
Start Date
21-4-2021 4:30 PM
End Date
21-4-2021 4:50 PM
Recommended Citation
Cyterski, Natalie and Cyterski, Megan, "pH Low Insertion Peptide (pHLIP) Insertion Pathway into the Membrane" (2021). Undergraduate Research Competition. 42.
pH Low Insertion Peptide (pHLIP) Insertion Pathway into the Membrane
Virtual Session Room 1
The pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) targets acidity at the surfaces of cancer cells and shows utility in a wide range of applications, including tumor imaging and intracellular delivery of therapeutic agents. It transforms from coil to interfacial helix and then inserts into the cell membrane with transmembrane orientation. Experimental, computational, and analytic studies have opened the door to develop a pHLIP technology platform for cancer diagnosis and treatment. This talk will mainly focus on our investigation in the quest to find optimal pHLIP insertion pathway into the membrane.