Presentation Title

Reacting to the Past: Engagement and Experiential Learning through Games

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Katie Clary



Second Major

Anthropology and Geography

Presentation Abstract

Reacting to the Past or RTTP games are becoming more popular in and out of the classroom. In RTTP students take on the persona of historical figures to debate and explore the major events and themes of historical events. This paper will demonstrate how these games can be used within a variety of different disciplines and how participation in the games enhance the students overall experience in the class. Through game play students gain valuable skills they can use in many aspects of their lives. The paper will take into account the experience from students with a variety of backgrounds to show how the reacting games benefited them as a student compared to traditional methods of education. This will result in demonstrating the use of Reacting games as a tool for education and engagement.


Brittain Hall, Room 114

Start Date

16-4-2019 6:20 PM

End Date

16-4-2019 6:40 PM



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Apr 16th, 6:20 PM Apr 16th, 6:40 PM

Reacting to the Past: Engagement and Experiential Learning through Games

Brittain Hall, Room 114

Reacting to the Past or RTTP games are becoming more popular in and out of the classroom. In RTTP students take on the persona of historical figures to debate and explore the major events and themes of historical events. This paper will demonstrate how these games can be used within a variety of different disciplines and how participation in the games enhance the students overall experience in the class. Through game play students gain valuable skills they can use in many aspects of their lives. The paper will take into account the experience from students with a variety of backgrounds to show how the reacting games benefited them as a student compared to traditional methods of education. This will result in demonstrating the use of Reacting games as a tool for education and engagement.