CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: The Influence of Wearing a fitbit on Eating Behaviors While Stressed

Presentation Title

The Influence of Wearing a fitbit on Eating Behaviors While Stressed

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Terry Pettijohn




Intelligence and Security Studies

Presentation Abstract

Recent research has shown that a visual prime can serve to remind people of their health goals and result in better regulation of eating behavior in tempting situations (Papies & Hamstra, 2010). Given the recent popularity of fitbits, the present study sought to determine if a fitbit would prime healthy eating behaviors in stressful situations. Forty-one participants were randomly assigned to a high or low stress condition, which was manipulated through the use of the Stroop Test. Participants were also randomly assigned to wear a fitbit or not. Participant’s food preferences for high carbohydrate, high fat, and low energy foods were assessed through the Macronutrient Preference Checklist- Modified for use in North America following the stress manipulation. Contrary to the researcher’s hypothesis participants with a fitbit were more likely to make unhealthy eating choices. Reasons for this unexpected trend, as well as considerations for future studies are discussed.


PSCY 497

External Presentation



Brittain Hall, Room 101

Start Date

16-4-2019 6:20 PM

End Date

16-4-2019 6:40 PM



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Apr 16th, 6:20 PM Apr 16th, 6:40 PM

The Influence of Wearing a fitbit on Eating Behaviors While Stressed

Brittain Hall, Room 101

Recent research has shown that a visual prime can serve to remind people of their health goals and result in better regulation of eating behavior in tempting situations (Papies & Hamstra, 2010). Given the recent popularity of fitbits, the present study sought to determine if a fitbit would prime healthy eating behaviors in stressful situations. Forty-one participants were randomly assigned to a high or low stress condition, which was manipulated through the use of the Stroop Test. Participants were also randomly assigned to wear a fitbit or not. Participant’s food preferences for high carbohydrate, high fat, and low energy foods were assessed through the Macronutrient Preference Checklist- Modified for use in North America following the stress manipulation. Contrary to the researcher’s hypothesis participants with a fitbit were more likely to make unhealthy eating choices. Reasons for this unexpected trend, as well as considerations for future studies are discussed.