CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Addiction, the hardest battle

Presentation Title

Addiction, the hardest battle

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Wendy Weinhold

Other Mentors

Additional Mentor: Kyle Holody, Communication, Media, and Culture




New Media and Digital Culture

Presentation Abstract

Sixteen days before my twenty-third birthday I had the shock of a lifetime, I called my father's phone.... only to have the other line answered by an unknown woman. The unknown woman on the other line was an investigator from the Philadelphia police department informing me that my father, who was only forty-five years old, had been found deceased in a motel room. I began hyperventilating, my whole body became hot and I can honestly say I have never felt so weak in my life. The horror of this news all came to its peak when I realized what had killed him, his addiction. For a large portion of my life my father had battled the hardest fight one could go through, his opponent was heroin. I have spent the past two years of my life educating anyone that would listen about the dangers of drugs, I plan to continue.


Brittain Hall, Room 114

Start Date

17-4-2019 1:10 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 1:30 PM



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Apr 17th, 1:10 PM Apr 17th, 1:30 PM

Addiction, the hardest battle

Brittain Hall, Room 114

Sixteen days before my twenty-third birthday I had the shock of a lifetime, I called my father's phone.... only to have the other line answered by an unknown woman. The unknown woman on the other line was an investigator from the Philadelphia police department informing me that my father, who was only forty-five years old, had been found deceased in a motel room. I began hyperventilating, my whole body became hot and I can honestly say I have never felt so weak in my life. The horror of this news all came to its peak when I realized what had killed him, his addiction. For a large portion of my life my father had battled the hardest fight one could go through, his opponent was heroin. I have spent the past two years of my life educating anyone that would listen about the dangers of drugs, I plan to continue.