CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Association behavior between sand tiger sharks (<em>Carcharias taurus</em>) and round scad (<em>Decapterus punctatus</em>) may be mutually beneficial

Presentation Title

Association behavior between sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) and round scad (Decapterus punctatus) may be mutually beneficial

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Erin Burge


Marine Science



Presentation Abstract

SharkCam is a publicly accessible underwater camera sited on the bottom in 15m of water and located on Frying Pan Tower, approximately 60 km off the coast of Wilmington, North Carolina. The camera is used to survey a diverse temperate and tropical fish assemblage associated with the underlying hard-bottom reef. The diversity of fishes associated with the hard bottom reef facilitates unique ecological interactions. Archived videos were used to investigate the potential mutually beneficial association of round scad around sand tiger sharks. Round scad have been observed aggregated around sand tiger sharks, and of the more than 150 video observations of sand tiger sharks, approximately 80% feature associated round scad. This relationship is hypothesized to be mutually beneficial by decreasing vulnerability of round scad to their predators and may also increase the potential predation opportunities for sand tiger sharks.

External Presentation



Brittain Hall, Room 101

Start Date

17-4-2019 1:10 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 1:30 PM



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Apr 17th, 1:10 PM Apr 17th, 1:30 PM

Association behavior between sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) and round scad (Decapterus punctatus) may be mutually beneficial

Brittain Hall, Room 101

SharkCam is a publicly accessible underwater camera sited on the bottom in 15m of water and located on Frying Pan Tower, approximately 60 km off the coast of Wilmington, North Carolina. The camera is used to survey a diverse temperate and tropical fish assemblage associated with the underlying hard-bottom reef. The diversity of fishes associated with the hard bottom reef facilitates unique ecological interactions. Archived videos were used to investigate the potential mutually beneficial association of round scad around sand tiger sharks. Round scad have been observed aggregated around sand tiger sharks, and of the more than 150 video observations of sand tiger sharks, approximately 80% feature associated round scad. This relationship is hypothesized to be mutually beneficial by decreasing vulnerability of round scad to their predators and may also increase the potential predation opportunities for sand tiger sharks.