CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Spatial Distribution and Behavioral Patterns in American Alligators (<em>Alligator mississippiensis</em>) at Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Presentation Title

Spatial Distribution and Behavioral Patterns in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) at Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Eric Rosch


Marine Science



Presentation Abstract

American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) have essential roles in the healthy functioning of an ecosystem. Through predation, they help maintain a sustainable trophic balance. Recognizing the biotic and abiotic factors that govern where and when these animals reside in an environment is therefore crucial to understanding the dynamics of an ecosystem. The alligators residing at Huntington Beach State Park have a relatively stable ecosystem that allows them to interact with multiple species. The presence and behavior of other animals can have profound effects on the distribution of these large, apex predators. Here, alligators were observed through multiple seasons using a continuous sampling technique to discern any patterns in their distribution and behavior and what factors drive these patterns. Season, ambient temperature, breeding status, and presence of birds were all found to be correlated with the spatial distribution and behavior of the alligators at Huntington Beach State Park.




Brittain Hall, Room 101

Start Date

17-4-2019 1:50 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 2:10 PM



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Apr 17th, 1:50 PM Apr 17th, 2:10 PM

Spatial Distribution and Behavioral Patterns in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) at Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Brittain Hall, Room 101

American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) have essential roles in the healthy functioning of an ecosystem. Through predation, they help maintain a sustainable trophic balance. Recognizing the biotic and abiotic factors that govern where and when these animals reside in an environment is therefore crucial to understanding the dynamics of an ecosystem. The alligators residing at Huntington Beach State Park have a relatively stable ecosystem that allows them to interact with multiple species. The presence and behavior of other animals can have profound effects on the distribution of these large, apex predators. Here, alligators were observed through multiple seasons using a continuous sampling technique to discern any patterns in their distribution and behavior and what factors drive these patterns. Season, ambient temperature, breeding status, and presence of birds were all found to be correlated with the spatial distribution and behavior of the alligators at Huntington Beach State Park.