CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Norse Influence from America to Eurasia

Presentation Title

Norse Influence from America to Eurasia

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Carolyn Dillian

Other Mentors

Additional Mentor: Christopher Bartlett, Anthropology & Geography


Anthropology and Geography

Presentation Abstract

During the Viking Age, the Norse were able to leave a lasting influence around the world by spreading goods and knowledge. Trade goods such as furs, honey, and amber along with the knowledge of their shipbuilding and navigational techniques were able to be dispersed thanks to the maritime capabilities of the Vikings. Archaeological evidence of ports in locations as far east as modern-day Ukraine and as far west as North America lead to the beginning of Norse settlements. Some of these settlements contained luxury goods that were available along the Silk Road which had been traded for the new resources the Norse could provide. In order for these goods to be traded there needed to be reliable methods of travel to explore to these faraway lands. Knowledge of shipbuilding methods can be seen from the excavations of Norse ships in Denmark and down the Atlantic coast.


Anth 498


Brittain Hall, Room 112

Start Date

17-4-2019 2:10 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 2:30 PM



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Apr 17th, 2:10 PM Apr 17th, 2:30 PM

Norse Influence from America to Eurasia

Brittain Hall, Room 112

During the Viking Age, the Norse were able to leave a lasting influence around the world by spreading goods and knowledge. Trade goods such as furs, honey, and amber along with the knowledge of their shipbuilding and navigational techniques were able to be dispersed thanks to the maritime capabilities of the Vikings. Archaeological evidence of ports in locations as far east as modern-day Ukraine and as far west as North America lead to the beginning of Norse settlements. Some of these settlements contained luxury goods that were available along the Silk Road which had been traded for the new resources the Norse could provide. In order for these goods to be traded there needed to be reliable methods of travel to explore to these faraway lands. Knowledge of shipbuilding methods can be seen from the excavations of Norse ships in Denmark and down the Atlantic coast.