Gender/Agency/Land | 2020: Without Borders: Tracing the Cultural, Archival, and Political African Diaspora

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Thursday, March 5th
1:45 PM

A Form of Skilled Labor: Entrepreneurial Gullah Geechee Women and "Head Carrying"

Alisha M. Cromwell, Coastal Carolina University

EHFA 136

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

1:45 PM

Adinkrahene: Honoring Women's Leadership and Greatness Through Fiber and Textiles

Precious D. Lovell, North Carolina State University

EHFA 136

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

1:45 PM

Historical Transformations of Land Tenure: Gender Inequality and the Rural Household Poverty in Tanzania, 1890s-2000s

Jumanne Ngohengo, Muslim University of Morogo, Tanzania

EHFA 136

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

1:45 PM

Transcending Nationalities: Shirley Graham Du Bois and the Making of a New African Personality in Ghana

Emmanuella Amoh, Purdue University

EHFA 136

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM