Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




College of Education and Social Sciences

First Advisor

Lisa Winters


This article focuses on Student-Parents as an under-represented group on Coastal Carolina University’s (CCU) campus. Student-Parents face many additional difficulties in their college experience, compared to traditional students. The goal of this study is to bring attention to the needs of student-parents on CCU’s campus and determine how certain stress factors related to being a student-parent can influence their college experience. We found that a majority of student-parents on CCU’s campus faced high levels of financial stress, academic stress, and social stress. As a result, we suggest providing additional resources for student-parents to use on CCU’s campus to help combat high levels of financial stress, academic stress, and social stress.

Available for download on Friday, May 01, 2026
