"Curriculum Coaches: Pre-Service Teachers Opinions and Perceptions with" by Brooke Ann McIntyre and Catherine Scott

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




College of Education

First Advisor

Catherine Scott

Second Advisor

Kimberly Carroll


The role of a curriculum coach in the PK-12 school system is a valuable one; the curriculum coach can provide mentoring and instructional supports to new teachers as they enter the field. The importance of this aid can be easily overlooked, nonetheless, because teachers are often unaware of the type of support that is available to them. In this study, a survey was administered to preservice teacher education students at a liberal arts institution in the southeast to evaluate their perceptions of curriculum coaches and their role in the classroom. Findings are shared and implications discussed for both school systems and teacher education programs.
