"Arousal and Anxiety Level Influences on Golf Putting Performance" by Chloe Paulsen and Ryan Yoder

Date of Award

Summer 8-9-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




College of Science

First Advisor

Ryan M. Yoder


Arousal levels can help and hinder performance in various sports and many athletes manipulate arousal levels during practice or competitions. Professional golfers typically putt in complete silence but studies have shown that stimulus can help performance. Twelve participants completed general and sport anxiety questionnaires before completing 3 golf putts at a target under 30 seconds with a music stimulus for each group. Music stimulus had an affect on the moderate arousal level groups showing the best performance with the slowest time to complete the putting task. This shows that putting may be performed better with moderate auditory arousal to produce peak performance in competition atmospheres.
