"The Impact of High Intensity Training on the Fitness of Middle School " by Hailey Wimmenauer, Christine Rockey et al.

Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




College of Science

First Advisor

Christine Rockey


Obesity and lack of physical activity (PA) pose a risk to an individual’s physical health through both short-term and long-term effects. A decline in PA occurs between 5th and 8th grades, with the greatest decreases in activity being seen between the ages of 13-19. Further, many students in that grade range are unable to reach the healthy fitness zones (HFZ) on the Fitnessgram, the assessment used in physical education classes to gauge health status. Many interventions have been tried in schools to increase fitness but few have been successful. High intensity training (HIT) has been shown to be an effective, quick, and an enjoyable fitness intervention that has not yet been used in a physical education setting to improve Fitnessgram scores. This will allow for more repetitions and time on task for the traditional physical education class while improving fitness for each student as they are pulled out to do the HIT intervention. In order to examine the effects of HIT on fitness scores, Coastal Carolina University students implemented 4-minute HIT sessions at least 2 days per week at a local middle school reaching approximately 5-8 groups of students each day. Results will be discussed.
