"The Relocation of Laurel Hill Plantation Rice Barges in the Waccamaw R" by Nathalie Arnone

Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Marine Science


College of Science

First Advisor

Richard F. Viso


A study done in the lower Waccamaw River neck, inland of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, is done to relocate and bathymetrically map antebellum rice barge wrecks, last seen near the old Laurel Hill Plantation area. Sites investigated are Laurel Hill, Collins Creek, Cow House Creek, and the Wachesaw portion of the Waccamaw River. Magnetometer data contained multiple anomalies along the locations, mostly due to modern wrecks. Successful multibeam echosounding performed at the Laurel Hill site reveals two identifiable barges. Following archeological scuba diving provided that one barge was partially buried and upside-down, containing civil war era metal fastenings. Barges found are more than likely belonging to the adjacent antebellum Laurel Hill Plantations and were potentially sunk by their owners due to the threat of the Union Army's advance on that area at the time.

Included in

Oceanography Commons
