Minne Gracie Gadson March 2013 Interview
Crawford, Eric
Minnie Gracie Gadson was born February 5, 1947. She fell in love with her Gullah Praise House, and became a singer for the group through her teenage to late adult years. In this interview given by Eric Crawford, Gadson talks about her Grandmother and Grand Uncle and how the both of them inspired her. Throughout the interview Mrs. Gadson is talking about how people lived day by day and how music was a big part of lots of people’s lives. Mrs. Gadson can be heard singing many old Gullah spiritual songs in the records and talking about cultural habits and traditions. Mrs. Gadson’s songs have a wide range of energy. From very upbeat and active songs to low and softer sad ones. All of them she sings with full emotion and all her heart. A few of the spirituals sung in the interview range in tempo. “I Was Standing" (tape 38) Is a rather slow and low tempo song. Songs with a more upbeat and loud tone include “You Outta Been There” (Tape 15) .
Spirituals (Songs)--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island;Gullahs--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island--Religion;Gullahs--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island--Interviews;Saint Helena Island (S.C.)--Religious life and customs;Natural voice singing;Praise houses;Gadson, Minnie Gracie;Saint Helena Island (S.C.)
Minnie Gracie Gadson, Gullah Geechee Quotes, Everything's Moving by the Power of God
This interview is protected by the copyright of the interviewee and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University. Any form of alteration, reproduction or commercial use of the interviews or other material is prohibited without the written consent of both the interviewee and a representative of The Athenaeum Press. Citations for scholarly purposes must clearly acknowledge the name of the interviewee, the date and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University.
Recommended Citation
Gadson, Minnie Gracie, "Minne Gracie Gadson March 2013 Interview" (2013). Voice of an Island Oral Histories and Service Recordings, 2012-2013. 3.