Old Fashioned Prayer Service at Bethesda Christian Fellowship
The Old Fashioned Prayer Service, a traditional community sing, part of the Penn Center Heritage Day celebration. The old fashioned prayer service is held at Bethesda Christian Fellowship every year, where after an introduction and prayer, songs are raised by members of the congregation who feel the spirit move them to lead a song. The recording begins with an introduction from Reverend Doe. Songs performed include an unidentified spiritual, "Couldn't Hear," "Everytime," "First Song," "I Command," "I Love to Praise Him," "I'm So Glad," "Jesus All the Time," "Just Keep on Praying," "Just One More Time," "Marching to Zion," "Oh, Zion," a scripture reading with response, "Trouble," "Very Well," "Walk with Me," "When I Need," and "You Can't Make Me."
Spirituals (Songs)--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island;African Americans--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island--Music;Gullahs--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island--Religion;African American musicians--Songs and music;Hymns--South Carolina--Saint Helena Island;Bethesda Christian Fellowship;Penn Center Heritage Days Celebration;Saint Helena Island (S.C.)
African American, Gullah Gospel Songs
This interview is protected by the copyright of the interviewee and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University. Any form of alteration, reproduction or commercial use of the interviews or other material is prohibited without the written consent of both the interviewee and a representative of The Athenaeum Press. Citations for scholarly purposes must clearly acknowledge the name of the interviewee, the date and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University.
Recommended Citation
The Athenaeum Press, "Old Fashioned Prayer Service at Bethesda Christian Fellowship" (2012). Voice of an Island Oral Histories and Service Recordings, 2012-2013. 1.