Examining Health Disparities Among Healthcare Workers in South Carolina

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Pamela Martin, Political Science


Public Health

Presentation Abstract

The health of an individual is greatly impacted by the area they live in. Individuals living in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood are at an increased risk of developing diseases that impact their daily life. The focus of this study is to examine the connection between the location where an employee resides and the impact it has on their health. The results will provide deeper context into barriers that inhibit employees from making a lifestyle change, which can be used to improve wellness programs in the future.


Room 2 (BRTH 112)

Start Date

13-4-2022 3:10 PM

End Date

13-4-2022 3:30 PM


Political Science

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Apr 13th, 3:10 PM Apr 13th, 3:30 PM

Examining Health Disparities Among Healthcare Workers in South Carolina

Room 2 (BRTH 112)

The health of an individual is greatly impacted by the area they live in. Individuals living in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood are at an increased risk of developing diseases that impact their daily life. The focus of this study is to examine the connection between the location where an employee resides and the impact it has on their health. The results will provide deeper context into barriers that inhibit employees from making a lifestyle change, which can be used to improve wellness programs in the future.