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Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Michael Promisel, Political Science


Women's and Gender Studies

Presentation Abstract

Throughout American history, we have seen religion used to allow unfair and oppressive practices to continue, especially in the formation of gender roles. It is often believed that the formation of gender roles originate from a Protestant interpretation of the Bible and other religious matters. The goal of this study is to determine if religion is truly a defining factor in creating the long-lasting gender norms in American culture or if American culture and values are the basis of gender norms and religion is used to justify said practices. To explore this topic, the research conducted will be referring to historical and contemporary sources from the United States and the United Kingdom to do a comparative analysis of how Protestantism and gender roles function in another country. The United Kingdom will provide a way for us to see if these practices persist outside America with a country similar in protestant population and impact. Overall, the conclusion of this paper will work to explain if the basis of gender roles in America is religiously related or if religion has been used as mere justification.


Room 2 (BRTH 112)

Start Date

13-4-2022 12:30 PM

End Date

13-4-2022 12:50 PM


Political Science


Apr 13th, 12:30 PM Apr 13th, 12:50 PM

The Religious Relations of Gender Roles in America

Room 2 (BRTH 112)

Throughout American history, we have seen religion used to allow unfair and oppressive practices to continue, especially in the formation of gender roles. It is often believed that the formation of gender roles originate from a Protestant interpretation of the Bible and other religious matters. The goal of this study is to determine if religion is truly a defining factor in creating the long-lasting gender norms in American culture or if American culture and values are the basis of gender norms and religion is used to justify said practices. To explore this topic, the research conducted will be referring to historical and contemporary sources from the United States and the United Kingdom to do a comparative analysis of how Protestantism and gender roles function in another country. The United Kingdom will provide a way for us to see if these practices persist outside America with a country similar in protestant population and impact. Overall, the conclusion of this paper will work to explain if the basis of gender roles in America is religiously related or if religion has been used as mere justification.