Presentation Type
Full Name of Faculty Mentor
Kate Oestreich , English
Presentation Abstract
In Dr. Oestreich's ENGL 300 class, a research-intensive course that allows English majors to examine a critical issue that is current in English studies, we explored impacts of digital media on analysis of nineteenth-century British literature. We utilized the COVE (Collaborative Organization for Virtual Education) to create timelines, an interactive map, and to annotate the novels. While we all created a topic of our choosing, we combined our research into one digital project, helping us find connections in the works. Everyone had access to each other's assignments. Therefore, we learned from and taught each other, revealing that we shared interests in topics such as misogyny and vanity within the novels. We will present a portion of our final projects as well as our favorite research written by a classmate, highlighting the collaborative nature of our research. This approach helped us become closer to one another during a time of pandemic.
Virtual Session Room 2
Start Date
21-4-2021 3:30 PM
End Date
21-4-2021 3:50 PM
Recommended Citation
Dandy, Chrissandra; Yurkin, Hannah; Blandford, Kyle; and Schlesser, Melanie, "A Collaborative Analysis of British Literature" (2021). Undergraduate Research Competition. 41.
A Collaborative Analysis of British Literature
Virtual Session Room 2
In Dr. Oestreich's ENGL 300 class, a research-intensive course that allows English majors to examine a critical issue that is current in English studies, we explored impacts of digital media on analysis of nineteenth-century British literature. We utilized the COVE (Collaborative Organization for Virtual Education) to create timelines, an interactive map, and to annotate the novels. While we all created a topic of our choosing, we combined our research into one digital project, helping us find connections in the works. Everyone had access to each other's assignments. Therefore, we learned from and taught each other, revealing that we shared interests in topics such as misogyny and vanity within the novels. We will present a portion of our final projects as well as our favorite research written by a classmate, highlighting the collaborative nature of our research. This approach helped us become closer to one another during a time of pandemic.