Presentation Title

Justification of Effort Effect for Mental and Physical Tasks

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Matthew Murphy



Presentation Abstract

Effort of justification studies have shown people would value the outcome of a difficult physical task more than an easy physical task when given the same reinforcement. Effort of justification studies have not often been done with mental tasks. We tested whether Justification of Effort would apply to cognitively difficult and easy tasks by giving participants hard and easy word searches. The participant was then given a colored reward token with a positive picture and phrase, such as a cartoon frog with the phrase 'good job' on it. We compared preferences for these tokens with preference for similar tokens after difficult and easy manual tasks. Results and implications will be discussed.


psyc 399


Brittain Hall, Room 101

Start Date

16-4-2019 7:00 PM

End Date

16-4-2019 7:20 PM



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Apr 16th, 7:00 PM Apr 16th, 7:20 PM

Justification of Effort Effect for Mental and Physical Tasks

Brittain Hall, Room 101

Effort of justification studies have shown people would value the outcome of a difficult physical task more than an easy physical task when given the same reinforcement. Effort of justification studies have not often been done with mental tasks. We tested whether Justification of Effort would apply to cognitively difficult and easy tasks by giving participants hard and easy word searches. The participant was then given a colored reward token with a positive picture and phrase, such as a cartoon frog with the phrase 'good job' on it. We compared preferences for these tokens with preference for similar tokens after difficult and easy manual tasks. Results and implications will be discussed.