CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Charcoal Wood Analysis of Brookgreen Gardens

Presentation Title

Charcoal Wood Analysis of Brookgreen Gardens

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

David Palmer



Presentation Abstract

Brookgreen Gardens is located on the former estates of four, 19th century South Carolina rice plantations. Between 2012 and 2018, Brookgreen was investigated by volunteers and CCU archaeology field schools. Most of the sites contained charcoal. The charcoal were remnants of fires or controlled burns on the plantation. In order to determine the wood type and species of the charcoal samples, microscopic analysis of pore type, vessel pattern, and ray arrangement were used. Most of the samples were softwoods, containing resin canals and tracheids. Using wood identification databases, it was concluded that most of the samples originated from yellow pine, specifically native longleaf pine. This indicates a predominance of longleaf pine on the Brookgreen plantation. Other tree species have been identified. This was the first study of its kind do on the plantation, with it a shift in the ecology was identified, and it added to the historical record.


Lib Jackson Student Union, Atrium

Start Date

17-4-2019 4:30 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 6:30 PM



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Apr 17th, 4:30 PM Apr 17th, 6:30 PM

Charcoal Wood Analysis of Brookgreen Gardens

Lib Jackson Student Union, Atrium

Brookgreen Gardens is located on the former estates of four, 19th century South Carolina rice plantations. Between 2012 and 2018, Brookgreen was investigated by volunteers and CCU archaeology field schools. Most of the sites contained charcoal. The charcoal were remnants of fires or controlled burns on the plantation. In order to determine the wood type and species of the charcoal samples, microscopic analysis of pore type, vessel pattern, and ray arrangement were used. Most of the samples were softwoods, containing resin canals and tracheids. Using wood identification databases, it was concluded that most of the samples originated from yellow pine, specifically native longleaf pine. This indicates a predominance of longleaf pine on the Brookgreen plantation. Other tree species have been identified. This was the first study of its kind do on the plantation, with it a shift in the ecology was identified, and it added to the historical record.