CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Pre-service Teachers' Conceptual Understandings and Reasoning for Curriculum Instruction, and Assessment Decisions (Revisited)

Presentation Title

Pre-service Teachers' Conceptual Understandings and Reasoning for Curriculum Instruction, and Assessment Decisions (Revisited)

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Edward Jadallah


Early Chld Ed Pre-Mj

Presentation Abstract

This study investigates the conceptual understandings and reasoning of curriculum, instruction and assessment decisions made by pre-service teachers during varied times in their education programs. This is a continuation of an ongoing study. This research is grounded by a constructivist learning theory in which meaning is constructed through the reflective analysis of experiences. The study involves pre-service teachers in a reflective analysis of the four pedagogical concepts of questioning, cognitive development, motivation, and classroom management. These concepts are deemed significant to curriculum, instruction and assessment educator decisions and practices that promote learning. The pre-service teacher participants' reflective analysis papers involved a process of identifying and explaining, reasoning, and justifying, and generalizing and applying their understandings of each pedagogical concept. Each pre-service teacher was interviewed to further explore their understandings and participated in focus groups to allow opportunity for clarification and justification of ideas.


Brittain Hall, Room 114

Start Date

17-4-2019 2:50 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 3:10 PM


Early Childhood Education

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 17th, 2:50 PM Apr 17th, 3:10 PM

Pre-service Teachers' Conceptual Understandings and Reasoning for Curriculum Instruction, and Assessment Decisions (Revisited)

Brittain Hall, Room 114

This study investigates the conceptual understandings and reasoning of curriculum, instruction and assessment decisions made by pre-service teachers during varied times in their education programs. This is a continuation of an ongoing study. This research is grounded by a constructivist learning theory in which meaning is constructed through the reflective analysis of experiences. The study involves pre-service teachers in a reflective analysis of the four pedagogical concepts of questioning, cognitive development, motivation, and classroom management. These concepts are deemed significant to curriculum, instruction and assessment educator decisions and practices that promote learning. The pre-service teacher participants' reflective analysis papers involved a process of identifying and explaining, reasoning, and justifying, and generalizing and applying their understandings of each pedagogical concept. Each pre-service teacher was interviewed to further explore their understandings and participated in focus groups to allow opportunity for clarification and justification of ideas.