CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Familiar Changes

Presentation Title

Familiar Changes

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Kate Oestreich





Presentation Abstract

The purpose of this project was to investigate the validity of Marshall McLuhan's signature phrase, 'the medium is the message.' In the exploration of film, new media, and culture, the importance of the means by which a message is communicated is considered just as salient as the message itself. This collection of treated pages was inspired by Tom Phillip's work in A Humument. Phillips utilized the existing structure in the original novel, A Human Document by W. H. Mallock, and transform it into an artists' book. Similarly, I altered a few pages from The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins. The intent was to create a symbiotic relationship between the individual pages and the collection as a whole.


English 231


Brittain Hall, Room 112

Start Date

17-4-2019 3:50 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 4:10 PM


English Language and Literature

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Apr 17th, 3:50 PM Apr 17th, 4:10 PM

Familiar Changes

Brittain Hall, Room 112

The purpose of this project was to investigate the validity of Marshall McLuhan's signature phrase, 'the medium is the message.' In the exploration of film, new media, and culture, the importance of the means by which a message is communicated is considered just as salient as the message itself. This collection of treated pages was inspired by Tom Phillip's work in A Humument. Phillips utilized the existing structure in the original novel, A Human Document by W. H. Mallock, and transform it into an artists' book. Similarly, I altered a few pages from The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins. The intent was to create a symbiotic relationship between the individual pages and the collection as a whole.