Presentation Title

Prediction of Offshore Wind Speeds

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Siming Guo


Physics PreEngineering

Presentation Abstract

Offshore wind turbines are far more efficient than wind turbines on land. This makes offshore wind power very desirable. Before turbines are built the climate, wind shear and elevation are considered to determine the wind speeds at the build spot. These wind speeds directly correlate to how efficient a wind turbine will be. On land this can be an easy task with using past forecasts and wind speed extrapolation calculations but finding wind speeds over a body of water can be much more challenging. I will attempt to find a solution to predicting offshore wind speeds by taking measurements of onshore wind at the same time as offshore winds. This will lead me to finding a correlation to predict offshore wind speeds when only the neighboring onshore wind speeds can be found. Thus allowing a true determination of offshore wind power's cost effectiveness.




Not Available

Start Date

17-4-2019 4:30 PM

End Date

17-4-2019 4:50 PM


Engineering Physics

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 17th, 4:30 PM Apr 17th, 4:50 PM

Prediction of Offshore Wind Speeds

Not Available

Offshore wind turbines are far more efficient than wind turbines on land. This makes offshore wind power very desirable. Before turbines are built the climate, wind shear and elevation are considered to determine the wind speeds at the build spot. These wind speeds directly correlate to how efficient a wind turbine will be. On land this can be an easy task with using past forecasts and wind speed extrapolation calculations but finding wind speeds over a body of water can be much more challenging. I will attempt to find a solution to predicting offshore wind speeds by taking measurements of onshore wind at the same time as offshore winds. This will lead me to finding a correlation to predict offshore wind speeds when only the neighboring onshore wind speeds can be found. Thus allowing a true determination of offshore wind power's cost effectiveness.