CCU Digital Commons - Undergraduate Research Competition: Effects of Emotional Valence and Depth of Processing on Memory

Presentation Title

Effects of Emotional Valence and Depth of Processing on Memory

Presentation Type


Full Name of Faculty Mentor

Matthew Murphy



Presentation Abstract

This study looks at the relationship between emotionally charged words and the depth at which information is processed and how this relationship affects memory. It is predicted that emotional stimuli make the depth of processing process easier, resulting in the negatively charged, deeply processed words being recalled most frequently. Participants will be presented with stimuli using a word task and then take a memory test. Responses to the memory test will be measured via Qualtrics. Results and implications will be discussed.


PSYC 497


Brittain Hall, Room 101

Start Date

16-4-2019 5:20 PM

End Date

16-4-2019 5:40 PM



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Apr 16th, 5:20 PM Apr 16th, 5:40 PM

Effects of Emotional Valence and Depth of Processing on Memory

Brittain Hall, Room 101

This study looks at the relationship between emotionally charged words and the depth at which information is processed and how this relationship affects memory. It is predicted that emotional stimuli make the depth of processing process easier, resulting in the negatively charged, deeply processed words being recalled most frequently. Participants will be presented with stimuli using a word task and then take a memory test. Responses to the memory test will be measured via Qualtrics. Results and implications will be discussed.