"Suicide Ideation and Behavior and ATOD Use Among Bisexual High School " by Michael S. Dunn and John F. Yannessa

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Research has indicated that sexual minorities have higher prevalence rates for ATOD use and suicide ideation and behavior compared to heterosexual youth. Yet, most studies to date have combined gay, lesbian, and bisexuals into one category. This study sought to assess the uniqueness of bisexuality to assess the risk of ATOD use and suicide ideation and behavior among bisexual high school students. Data for this study were derived from the 2019 Centers for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Chi-square analysis was conducted to determine the prevalence of ATOD use and suicide ideation and behavior. Logistic regression was then used to estimate the association between ATOD use and suicide ideation and behavior among bisexual adolescents. This study found that ever use an electronic vape product, non-medical use of prescription drugs, and current alcohol and marijuana use were significant predictors for suicide ideation and behavior. Based on our results, we believe that it is important to address the relationship of substance use as a risk factor for suicide and ideation and behavior of bisexual adolescents, as bisexual adolescents may need more emotional support as they come to understand their sexual identity.

This article was published Open Access through the CCU Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund. The article was first published in Journal of Substance Use: https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2023.2261041

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