Volume 3, Number 3 (1976) (Summer)
Editor's Note
This special issue of the Journal of Political Science is devoted to exploring the opportunities and the responsibilities of Home Rule in South Carolina. The following essays represent the first comprehensive attempt to deal with the various ramifications of home rule, most especially those that direct substantial changes in local government throughout the state. The subject of home rule, of course, is of general interest to other states as well as South Carolina. Hopefully, subscribers and other readers in several states will benefit from the contributions in this issue and will thereby be enabled to avoid at least some of the pitfalls inherent in experiments of local government reform.
The articles that follow are the result of five symposia that were held throughout South Carolina in October, 1975. Funding for the symposia was provided through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act administered by the State Personnel Division of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board. Professor Harold E. Albert of the Political Science Department at Clemson University was responsible for proposing, developing, and conducting the symposia. He then edited the papers in order to reduce them to a manageable size of publication. Professor Albert deserves the gratitude of contributors and readers alike for producing a coherent issue.
Martin Slann, Editor
Harold E. Albert
Constitutional Aspects of Home Rule
Richard Riley
Constitutional Aspects
David Keller
The Constitutional Aspects of Home Rule
Henry Floyd
Legal Aspects of Home Rule
Anthony Harris
Legal Aspects of Home Rule
Jean Toal
Lecture on Home Rule Act of 1975: Legal Aspects
Joseph Earle
Local Government Under Act No. 283 of the South Carolina General Assembly, Approved June 25, 1975: Home Rule
G. P. Callison
The Home Rule Act: Fiscal Aspects
Raymond Urquhart
Fiscal Aspects of Home Rule
Robert Mauney
The Politics of Revised Article VIII: Who Will Govern - and How?
Horace W. Fleming Jr.
- Editor
- Martin Slann
- Book Editor
- Melford A. Wilson
Additional Information
Published for the South Carolina Political Science Association by the Department of Political Science, Clemson University.