Date of Award

Spring 2006

Document Type

Legacy Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Marine Science


College of Science

First Advisor

Susan M. Libes


It is hypothesized that anthropogenic runoff, the flow of which is concentrated in many major swashes across the region as well as smaller outfall pipes and groundwater flow, will have significant negative impacts on dissolved oxygen and other hypoxia related water quality parameters in the near shore region of the Grand Strand. The graphical products of this study should show a clear indication of seasonal patterns in water quality near the swashes. Lower dissolved oxygen and increased levels of nutrients should be evident at the sites closest to the swashes. Additionally these areas should show greater numbers of phytoplankton. If this hypothesis is supported by the data it will improve the understanding of the processes affecting water quality along the Grand Strand and could be useful in future stormwater management decisions which are a necessary part of good planning and development in the region.
