Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2010

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




College of Science

First Advisor

John Alan Goodwin


Nafion films alone and modified with inert electrolytes and metalloporphyrins were tested in their effectiveness of decomposition of aqueous peroxynitrite (PN) and superoxide. Films that were modified with a cationic manganese porphyrin, which has been shown to be responsible for catalytic decomposition of superoxide ion, were found to be most effective. Peroxynitrite was generated in solution by the decomposition of 3-morpholinosydnonimime (SIN-1) that generates nitric oxide and superoxide ion, which rapidly combine to form peroxynitrite. The tyrosine analogue 4-hydroxyphenylacetic (4-HPA) was used to trap the PN in pH 7.00 PBS buffer and was its nitrated product was detected by observing the change in visible absorbance at pH 10. The Nafion films modified with manganese porphyrin were active in superoxide quenching and the therefore blocking of peroxynitrite formation throughout a five week testing period. These experiments offer new strategies for disrupting superoxide and peroxynitrite in vivo.

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