Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Submissions from 2023
Police Department and Cities Economies, Clayton Davis
Comprehensive Planning for the Promotion of Sustainable Development in Georgetown County., Michael Meagher
Sustainable Development in Hazard Mitigation Planning, Brooke Morrell
Submissions from 2022
Murrells Inlet 2020: Building a Sustainable Future. 2023 Report, Jessica Aponte
The Preservation of Gullah Geechee Culture in Georgetown, South Carolina, Jamesia St. Louis
Submissions from 2021
Bucksport and the Sustainable Development Goals, Takiah Anderson, Cate Bauer, Kalina Faulks, Max Hall, Jairan Harper, and Katelyn Zimmerman
Habitat's Learning Center in Georgetown 2021, Reese Helms
Island Specialties: Sustainable Company, Emily Klein
South Carolina Biomass Council Project, Abigal Perito
Updating Georgetown County’s Comprehensive Plan, Sophie Sherwood
Murrells Inlet Assessment 2021, Bailie Willis, Amanda Giambi, Anastasia Gluth, Julia Angell, and Cain Rullo