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The purpose of this perspective essay is not to dissect the merits or deficits of AI in practice in classrooms, nor is it intended to approach the topic from a technical standpoint. Rather, this manuscript begins from a place of acceptance, recognizing that AI in education is already here and the adaptive and evolutionary nature of the technology positions it to maintain a presence in schooling spaces for the foreseeable future. From there, assuming AI will become further integrated into the fabric of schooling experiences, it seems necessary to take a step back and look holistically at the potential impact that a greater reliance on AI may have on the perception of teaching as a profession. For practicing teachers, there exists a consequential burden with regard to AI that goes beyond the curricular and pedagogical, and ultimately extends into conversations of professional sustainability.
This article was published Open Access through the CCU Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund. The article was first published in The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas:
Recommended Citation
Parker, B. D. (2024). Considering the Impact of AI on the Professional Status of Teaching. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 1-4. Available at
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