Submission Guidelines
Current CCU undergraduate students are invited to submit original critical essays for electronic and print publication in Bridges. Papers are typically between 2,000-3,000 words and have been generated in upper-level courses, Honors seminars, independent studies, and/or capstone courses. Substantial research papers, projects, or theses are all appropriate assignments for consideration.
Submissions to the journal must be sponsored by a faculty member who has worked directly with the student on the submission. Each submission must be accompanied by a brief supporting letter by the sponsoring faculty member. The faculty sponsor will help guide the student through the revision process to ensure the highest possible scholarly quality of the submission if the article is accepted.
Students should also provide a short academic bio (approximately 150 words) to accompany their submission.
Submissions should be sent as MS Word documents and follow APA format.
Submissions are reviewed before publication by members of an editorial review board composed of CCU faculty members representing a range of academic fields.