Emily Collins Pyatt
Crawford, Eric (Interviewer)
Interview between Eric Crawford, Coastal Carolina University faculty researcher, and Emily Collins Pyatt at Rosalyn Geather's home in Georgetown, South Carolina. Pyatt was a teacher at the Sandy Island School, as well as a resident on Sandy Island. Pyatt discusses growing up as a child on the island on her family's farm. She discusses Reverend George Washington and his wife Stella who was a school teacher on the island. She discusses how people would make mattresses on the island and how before they would use fresh straw to sleep on. She discusses the teachers at the school that Mr. Huntington built on the island including Mr. Bolt and Professor Bland. She discusses how some of the men from the island would go to Conway to work in the mills. She also discusses her time at Whittemore High School and how she became involved in teaching while still in school. She discusses how she ended up attending Bentley College. She discusses how she stopped teaching in 1943 and how she was friends with Miss Ruby who was a teacher in Conway. She discusses hurricane Hazel and how she had to use the paddle on some of the children. She discusses how her granddaughter is a chemist for the Coca-Cola Company and how over the years of teaching she has had to give educational advice to many of her students.
Gullahs--South Carolina--Sandy Island;African Americans--Education--South Carolina;Georgetown County (S.C.)--Economic conditions;Georgetown County (S.C.)--Race relations;Women employees--United States--Economic conditions;Gullahs--South Carolina--Sandy Island--Interviews;Sandy Island (S.C.)--History;Sandy Island (S.C.)--Social life and customs;Sandy Island School;Pyatt, Emily Collins;Washington, Phillip;Washington, Prince;Sandy Island (S.C.)
Life on Sandy Island, Sandy Island School, Phillip Washington, Prince Washington, Gullah-Geechee Identity, Sandy Island Tradition
This interview is protected by the copyright of the interviewee and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University. Any form of alteration, reproduction or commercial use of the interviews or other material is prohibited without the written consent of both the interviewee and a representative of The Athenaeum Press. Citations for scholarly purposes must clearly acknowledge the name of the interviewee, the date and The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University.
Recommended Citation
Pyatt, Emily Collins and The Athenaeum Press, "Emily Collins Pyatt" (2018). At Low Tide Oral Histories. 1.