Date of Award

Fall 12-15-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Communication, Media and Culture


College of Humanities and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Wes E. Fondren


Research suggests that males and females communicate using different styles of interaction. Men and women are biologically different, but evidence also demonstrates a social difference. The patterns displayed in cross- sex communication often reveal how men and women interact interpersonally. In conflict situations the contrasting behaviors between the sexes become more evident. This is a collection of research defining and explaining the differences which exist between males and females and how those differences develop within communication. Conflict is a prevalent element of all relationships and the manner in which it is handled is crucial to the survival of those relationships. This research can help those in troubled relationships understand how the opposite sex communicates in conflict scenarios. There is no study proving whether males or females are more effective in handling conflict. Further research on the exact mannerisms of males and females in conflict situations would improve current scholarship.

Included in

Communication Commons
