Date of Award

Fall 12-15-2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Recreation and Sport Management


College of Science

First Advisor

Colleen McGlone


The passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 has had a significant impact on college athletics. However, there is still a large disparity between opportunities offered for men and women. This study determined the true gender equality within Division I athletics. Inequalities were assessed in the areas of athletic participation, athletically related student aid, recruiting expenses, and total expenses. Data from these areas were gathered from the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Analysis Cutting Tool. Ratios and the difference between the ideal and current values were calculated for each category. Institutions were ranked in each category, as well as by total composite score. It is believed that schools will meet Title IX, but will not be equitable in all areas. Based upon the data and results, based on both strict proportionality and proportionality within five percent, Division I athletics are not equitable in the assessed areas.
