Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Marine Science


College of Science

First Advisor

Angelos Hannides


Marshes and swashes are vital environments as a controlling barrier between land affected by various pollutants and the ocean. Eutrophication and the effects of this process can be detrimental for the areas experiencing it. I am interested in ways areas that have little contact with human interactions compare to areas that are heavily urbanized, and whether either of these locations is at a higher risk for eutrophication. Using spectrophotometry and fluorometry, I analyzed samples collected from the relatively undeveloped and restricted-access locations of Waities Island Beach and Dunn Sound monthly for dissolved nutrients, and chlorophyll. At the time of sampling, I also measured temperature, salinity and oxygen levels using a handheld device. These data were then compared to data collected from White Point Swash and Singleton Swash located in urbanized areas. Based on previous research done on this topic, the more urbanized locations should be more at risk for eutrophication due to their exposure to fertilizers and pesticides. This study showed that the two urbanized marsh creeks showed similar patterns in eutrophication parameters as the relatively undeveloped Dunn Sound, with largely similar patterns through the study time period. Further data analysis and research is needed to identify the reasons behind similarities and differences in these three marsh creeks.
